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Graphical Independence




As a single developer on a relatively large project that has taken much time to develop, the progression of technology can prove to be quite an enemy. 4 years ago the technology considered cutting edge is now legacy and the dependence on such technology can prove to be quite a headache when attempting to upgrade.


A common practice when the underlying implementation of particular technology is expected to change is to create interfaces that act as contracts all implementations must abide by. This is a phenomenal technique if you want your "engine" to withstand the test of time.


If your project scale is fairly large and you plan on upgrading from Leadwerks 3 to Leadwerks 4 in the future I highly suggest doing this.


I didn't start with Leadwerks, but if I implemented contracts my game would currently use Leadwerks.


The ultimate point is if you want your code to stand the test of time write it in a way that anticipates technological change.


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This is a very good point. However I think most people here are just trying to get a finished product at all :)

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