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About this blog

My trials and tribulations

Entries in this blog

Road blocks to getting started

Like many hobbyist developers, I was looking for the biggest bang for the buck. So I experimented with every engine out there that I could find. One of the most common problems I found regardless of the engine is the challenge associated with the content pipeline.   Some engines use proprietary formats like Torque's DTS, or DIF, and others use common, but dreadfully inefficient formats like Microsoft's .x format. Leadwerks uses its .gmf or Game Model Format. And there in was my first obs



Foolish Games - introduction to a hobbyists blog

I have noticed the usefulness of others blogs on this site, and thought that my efforts to learn and utilize this great leadwerks engine might eventually be beneficial to others getting off the ground.   First and foremost, I am a decidedly avid fan of Blitzmax. At work, we use C# and Java which is great for professional work. I run a software company for my day job. But I am just a hobbyist at home. This means, I have no grandiose designs for the next great MMO, but rather just love playi



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