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About this blog

In this blog, I will share some insights I got about UltraEngine and my experience extending the engine with custom add-ons and features or simply working with it. 

Keep in mind that the current state (by writing this blog) of the engine is in early access and some things might change over the time or until the release.

I will blog about some more advanced things like the main differences to Leadwerks and some technical stuff.

The first blog entries will be mainly about adding efficient access to the compute pipeline of Vulkan and how about adding custom functionality to the engine.

Entries in this blog

UltraEngine Utilities

In this post, I want to introduce you to my GitHub repository: https://github.com/klepto2/UltraEngineUtilities Currently, there is not that much available, but I am working on adding more utilities and helper classes, which will help to work with UltraEngine.  I had the privilege to be one of the first users of UltraEngine and was able to see the enormous amount of potential right from the beginning. So with the repo, I want to give some of the small or bigger helpers I have developed or ma


klepto2 in Development

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