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Posts posted by Interference

  1. I just drew a door with the brush tool and gave it the swinging door script. Then when that didn't work after a considerable amount of time trying to tweak it, I accepted my failure and made it a revolving door.


    Well there you have it, then. It's because the pivot for the brush wasn't where it should be. Either model your door in a 3D package and set the pivot in that, or use a seperate pivot object.

  2. Well, I never made a true swinging door, but I made a revolving door.


    You're not, by chance, using CSG to make the door are you? From what I can tell, you can't specify where a CSG brush pivots, so it will always rotate around it's centre of mass, causing a revolving door rather than a swinging one. If you attach the script to an imported model with it's pivot properly offset in your 3D software of choice to where you want the door to swing then THAT should work correctly.


    The only way around CSG not having it's pivot where you want is to place a pivot object in the right place and parent it to that.

  3. not sure if that is really usable since the models are mostly very high detailed. But i might be wrong.


    You're correct. Most of Poser's library of models are meant for CG, not videogames. You're setting yourself up for a world of hurt if you're going to try using them in a game engine.

  4. Is there a page on these material rules somewhere? Maybe this should go on the wiki too as it's far from intuitive. Why not zsort? Why not blend alpha? I'd love to read about these things somewhere...


    I'm having issues with z-sort and alpha textures too. Here's the wiki entry on it: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/user-guide/material-editor-r8 Check the section under "Blend Mode" below the "Properties" subheading. It clearly says you need to enable z-sort for transparent materials so they render correctly but I'm having serious problems: alpha materials for static geometry look bizarre and ones stuck on skinned meshes, when set to the correct shader, don't render at all with z-sort turned on. I'm beginning to think it's a bug.

  5. I think until an easier approach is implemented you can use the "Appearance" tab in the properties area for a given model to assign materials.


    I agree with the second suggestion.


    For a multi-material model that doesn't work: the appearance tab has just one material slot which, when a material is dropped into it, applies to the entire object.

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  6. Dragging and dropping materials onto the model in the editor is a fair bit hit and miss: often you'll accidentally apply a material to the wrong part of the model or struggle to drag and drop them onto sections that are obscured by others (for example, an astronaut's face, which is obscured by their visor). It would be much more straightforward if you had a list of the material slots available for a model so you could apply them directly, much like you have a list of textures in the material editor.


    Secondly, it'd be nice to have an option to view the bone structure of a model in the model editor. Much easier to spot import errors etc.

  7. Eh? I didn't say anything about physics. The hair is vertex weighted, just like the body, and is meant to move with the bone structure. If you detach it, it'll stop doing that. It'll just move with the one bone and ignore other bone influences. Long hair will clip through a character's shoulders. Eyelashes won't move when a character blinks.


    The shader you apply to materials that are going on skinned meshes -- specifically shaders/animated/diffuse+normal+specular.shader -- is designed specifically to allow skinning on the GPU. If you don't use the right shader, the object doesn't deform with the bones: it just hangs there. The correct shader, when applied to alpha transparent hair -- diffuse map only. No specular or normal map -- currently seems to cause the hair material to completely turn invisible when you tick the checkboxes the documentation says ensure the material renders correctly.


    Here's my current material settings: http://i.imgur.com/NMsCVrX.png

  8. No, I don't need a normal map. The single shader provided that works on animated meshes can accept one but I don't need it and the box for dropping one in is currently empty on this material.


    Detaching the hair from the main mesh and having it as a separate object that's linked to the character's head would allow me to use the non-animation ready shader but that's far less than ideal for several reasons:


    1. Even the non-animation shader doesn't process the Z-order correctly. It's better, but since the animated one is flat out invisible the baseline is pretty low.

    2. You lose the ability to have the bone structure of the model influence the hair. If the hair is long or you're doing this with eyelashes -- which need to move when a character blinks -- then you *need* that functionality.

  9. Scene is for static geometry, prop is for dynamic stuff (pushable boxes etc). Have you generated a physics model for your objects? Assuming you haven't already, do the following:


    1. R-click on the mesh in the assets tab, selecting "generate shape" and picking one of the two options. Since these seem to be static meshes that you're going to be walking around, I'd suggest you pick "polymesh". It'll prompt you to save the resulting PHY file. Give it a name and save it to an appropriate folder.


    2. Place the mesh in the scene, click on the "Scene" tab on the right and select the physics tab at the bottom to edit the physics settings. Change the "Shape file" to the PHY file you generated. Set collision type to scene.


    3. Save the map and test.


    Hopefully that works, because otherwise I'm fresh out of ideas.

  10. I'm not quite sure what you're saying, so perhaps some more detail would help:


    I'm using it for hair. The material itself is applied to just the hair and nothing else, is set to "alpha" blending and two sided. Turning on the Z-sorting parameter (as mentioned in the Material Editor section of the user guide under the "Blend Mode" heading), makes the hair vanish (both in the material editor and in-game) and only affects this one material: setting the shader to diffuse.shader sort of works (there's still a fair bit of Z-buffer confusion where the hair is visible through itself) but, of course, this shader doesn't process skeletal animation and so the hair just hangs there while the rest of the model moves.

  11. The context parameter is the old way of setting AA, on the context itself. This is bad. The proper way to do it is with the Camera::SetMultisampleMode() command. This will make it so the camera renders to a gbuffer with multisampled textures, one of the new features in OpenGL 4.


    Context antialias could still be useful for 2D drawing but you generally do not need it for anything.


    I can't seem to get this command to work in LUA at the moment. Am I doing it right? The section of code I'm using is below, but it causes a crash with "attempt to call method 'SetMultisampleMode' (a nil value)":


    --Create a camera
    self.camera = Camera:Create()
    --Set the camera's MSAA mode


    EDIT: Woah, the "code" formatting option didn't like that.

  12. I'm using Leadwerks 3.1 Steam Edition and when setting up materials that are alpha transparent and used on an animated mesh. The shaders I'm loading are the correct ones -- diffuse+normal+specular.shader from shaders/animated and shadow+animation.shader -- but when I set the blend mode in properties to alpha and enable "Z Sort" it vanishes and is invisible in-game. Disabling "Z Sort" makes it render, but z sorting is obviously completely screwed as a result.


    Is this a bug or a limitation? If not, what did I screw up and how do I go about fixing it?


    @interference :T

    Thanks for the tip i didn't know from rigify was possible even if i don't use it.

    Some export problem or polygon topolgy on your model.

    You can post your mesh without textures if you want us to take a look.


    I've done some more testing and spotted something else I hadn't noticed before, as the first character I was testing with had boots on: imported characters' legs go REALLY weird from the knees downward. Like this: http://i.imgur.com/0I4skOL.png


    I think for now I'll give it up until I've done more research. For now, it almost works but not quite: the way Rigify organises bones just doesn't sit well with Leadwerks without modification and I just have no idea what those modifications would be.

  14. Check the bone rotation of the fingers


    Just checked this over and I can't see anything amiss. It seems to look just fine in Blender. I even specifically set the finger bone rotations so that the axis line up properly with the fingers: the Z axis points in the direction the fingers curl when they make a fist.


    I'm wondering if the "preserve volume" checkbox makes a difference. Going to give that a quick check.


    EDIT: Nope! Not that either. Stripping out shape keys and a few mask modifiers I was testing with don't change the mangled look either. How odd.

  15. Just thought I'd chip in to say I've successfully imported and used a Rigify armature in Leadwerks 3.1. When you export to FBX, pick your model and your armature then in the export options select "Only Deform Bones" and "Export Selection". Now, if you're familiar with the rig, you'd expect this to just export the bones with the DEF prefix as these are the ones that do the actual deforming. For some reason, though, you get the ORG and MCH bones as well. Not sure if there's a way to strip those out too.


    It's not the most opitimised solution for game animations but it works and the rig itself is ludicrously easy to animate with. The only issue I have at the moment is that when I set up and apply my body material the fingers of the mesh suddenly look like they've been run over by a bus, like the vertex positions have been scrambled out of shape. They're still noticeably fingers, they just look a little mangled.

  16. My apologies then, seeing that you're in the "Developer" group, I thought you had it.




    Actually all the engines I know of remove the unused assets on build. If you reference an asset in a script it's count as being used.


    A lot of the ones I've used don't. Unreal Engine and Source definitely don't: there's a lot of cut content in several games that's pretty well documented. It's not without precedent.

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