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Luke Knowles

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Posts posted by Luke Knowles

  1. Hello everyone, who ever is having the same problem please follow these steps:

    1)Right click on desktop and choose "NVIDIA Control Settings"

    2)Look at left panel,under

    3D Settings --> Manage 3D settings

    now you have 2 tabs GLOBAL SETTINGS and PROGRAM SETTINGS.

    Under GLOBAL SETTINGS tab under "Preferred graphics processor" choose "High Performance NVIDIA processor". Don't change any other details on that tab.

    Now,under PROGRAM SETTINGS tab

    click the button ADD which will ask you to browse the program you want.Browse it to wherever your game is installed and find the ".exe" file.

    Example,c:\program files\NeedForSpeed\nfs.exe

    choose the ".exe" file and click OK,the under "select the preferred graphics processor for this program" choose "High performance NVIDIA processor".

    Click OK(if there is any) to save the changes and you're done.

    Next time when you open your game it will run by NVIDIA card.

    • Upvote 3
  2. Hey there

    I have just got the new Leadwerks indie edition 3.1 and every time I try to run it I get a error saying this "Failed to initialize graphics. Your graphics hardware may not be supported." My computer is an Alienware M14x with windows 8 running a Intel HD Graphics 4000 and an Nvidia Geforce GT 650M. I believe Leadwerks may be using the Intel HD Graphics card as the default, is there anyway to change this?

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