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Posts posted by Quan

  1. Try loading the gmf up inside the leadwerks model viewer and see if the material names show up. The main issue I had was the .mat wasn't matching the name of the material inside blender.


    If this doesn't make any sense, I'll check and post some screenshots of what I mean when I get home.

  2. You have to learn what the compiler says to you. It's usually quite clear, but people panic when they see compiler errors ;)

    Also I would recommend to use Roland's new Project Wizard from the Downloads section, since the one in the SDK is buggy and outdated.


    Yeah I could see what it was trying to say but I couldn't for the life of me work out how to talk back to it. I messed around with the project settings for a while and got no where with paths.


    I'll try the new Project Wizard and what Shard posted, thanks.

  3. LINK !, Link is a pointy eared elf freak, there are ( no longer ) any pointy eared elf freaks in my game :huh: My years of playing WoW has caused a unhealthy reaction to elves ( Night or Blood ).


    I don't have my entire world mapped out just the area's which I created for my Neverwinter module like:




    I did start using Age of Wonders editor to create a map of the world which is what my leadwerks map is based off:



  4. I am still tinkering away on this, its my procrastination tool when I ever I think of doing something useful for my game ( e.g modeling a main character ).



    Also a few screen shots of the cloud dome. The clouds slowly move across the sky.





    I am still working on a good system for changing the sky/cloud/fog/light colour depending on the time of day.

  5. Back before I switch to making a RPG I was creating a space game. This is where I got planet wise. The planets them selfs are huge and are lit by a single light source.


    Ignore earth in the background though, it had issues after I messed with the lighting.


  6. Quan, I ran your code with 2.32r4 and it worked perfectly. Perhaps you do not have the latest newton.dll in the same folder as your program.


    Ah, this was the problem, I feel stupid now as I copied from the wrong leadwerks folder.


    Have to remind myself not to do upgrades 7:15am monday morning.


    I have noticed a massive drop in FPS when running the debug build of my game when looking at water. From about 30fps down to 10 - 5.


    On the flip size the non debug compile is much faster at 60 - 90fps on a full outdoor scene.


    I have made a giant Pachinko simulator with vegetation collisions and a ball :)

  7. Please post your code.


    Heres the simple scene loader code it is breaking on:


    Framework leadwerks.engine
    'To Generate an updated lua-gluefunctions.bmx uncomment the lines tagged [1]
    'and comment out the line tagged [2]. Run the code once, then swap back.
    'lua-gluefunctions.bmx needs to be inside the App directory.
    Import "C:\Leadwerks Engine SDK 2.3r3\BMX\Framework\framework.bmx"
    Import lugi.generator '[1]
    Include "lua-gluefunctions.bmx" '[2]
    AppTitle:String = "Basic Example : BMAX + Leadwerks Engine 2.3"
    'Register the directory under which the abstract file system will search.
    RegisterAbstractPath("C:\Leadwerks Engine SDK 2.3r3\")
    'Create a Graphics window
    Graphics(800, 600)
    AFilter(1) 'Set the anisotropic filter. Range 1-16
    'Using AFilter(MaxAFilter()) will use the maximum supported anisotropic filter on your PC
    'Adding the line "DrawText ("MaxAFilter = " + MaxAFilter(), 0, 80)"
    'after "fw.Render()" will display on screen the maximum supported anisotropic filter.
    TFilter(1) 'Set trilinear filtering : 0 = off : 1 = on.
    'Create a new Framework object.
    Global fw:TFramework = TFramework.Create()
    If Not fw RuntimeError "Failed to initialize engine."
    ------------/ SNIP / ----------------

  8. Just for anyone who might not want to wait ... if you log into Paypal on the German page then Paypal will display the next screen in your language and you can make the transaction.


    This worked :)


    I didn't have a paypal account but once created the form switched to English.

  9. What language shows the Paypal landing page for you guys?

    English or German?


    Seems someone had problems and it showed a german page to an english guy.


    Yep it showing in German, I was going to try and guess it but then couldn't find my country and felt it be best to try and get it into English.

  10. Yep its a fantasy RPG. 7 years ago it started off as a original fantasy world built as a server module for Neverwinter Nights. Since my server shut down I had been looking for ways to move the world I had created onto a new platform. I tried Neverwinter Nights 2 but just didn't like the massive bloat that game had. I also toyed with the idea of making the world in Oblivion but the tool-set stability got to me in the end.


    When I got Leadwerks earlier this year it was to build a tactical space combat game but as I started to play with Leadwerks I quickly changed plans to rebuilding my Neverwinter Module as a stand alone singleplayer game. I could finally build the world in a way that it was meant to be explored. If you haven't player Neverwinter it has very small maps. I spent a lot of time making sure these maps flowed on from each other but it still meant you couldn't stand on a hillside and see the vista. Currently I have a draft version of the entire first part of the Neverwinter Module as a single map in leadwerks.


    The story which I don't want to go into to much here is about racism against non-humans, betrayal of a king, and a prophecy that tells of lurking doom that is about to return. Typical standard fantasy stuff, I don't even pretend to be a good writer but the feedback from my sever was good.


    Gameplay will be action / adventure based it will be very open but with a story arcs laid out as the main quest. Sort of like how Fallout 3 / Oblivion worked, you can explore at any time then return to the main quest.


    The story / flow and quests are all planned out from the module its now just a mater of building the game and building brand new assets. As I would like to publish my game I am making everything from scratch.


    Things are still in the very early stages and I have become a bit obsessed with the day night cycle but progression is going well.

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