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Posts posted by Sanctus

  1. Hey guys.

    So I was continuing to work on my project and I got to the part where I save the maps that I create in my own editor.

    There was a bug that made heightmaps flip on some axis or something but now that got fixed with 2.32.

    Still when I save my alpha map with dds format (for png,tga,etc it said that there is no loader though on wiki it says that there are) and load them back I get very squared textures just as if all the vertices of a square of terrain have the same blend value.

    Look at the picture below to understand better what's happening.

    Does it happen to anyone else?

    post-414-083637600 1278422297_thumb.png

  2. Take this from a C++ elitist: BlitzMax is awsome.

    I programm anything related to leadwerks in it and I never use the sandbox. It's easy to set up and start programming.

    I also tried DBPro and all that ****. Glad I didn't buy anything.

    You will see that Leadwerks also has small bugs (which is normal thinking it's made by just one guy) but you will get fixes for them and nothing will actually stop you from working. DBPro as I remember it had tons of bugs with some that were actually big.

  3. This actually happens because of blitzmax.

    When I was making Mahjongg I noticed this. I noticed that if you printscreen, alt-tab,paste to paint it will be black, but alt-tab again and printscreen again and the paste will be good.

    Didn't test it with Leadwerks but it's based on Blitzmax internals and also uses OpenGL so it should be the same.

  4. Thank you for your purchase.

    I'm not sure why you didn't get the redirect (you are not the first one not to get it) even tough I did put the link in that paypal button. Let me check that again :)

  5. Thanks guys.

    Yes it's not developed with LE and that's why it's an off-topic and not a show-case.

    Developing it with LE would be a very bad idea. It's a simple game for casual gamers and most of them don't have such powerful computers.


    Neither was I but I got hooked when playing a similar game. I'm actually playing my own game now and actually having fun (that's... weird, at least for me).


    I'd like to publish it on steam but they haven't answered, neither gamehouse or bigfish.


    Right now I'm just hoping to sell enough titles to be able to buy graphics for my next game(after I finish with some exams.. I just finished high-school).


    EDIT: I changed the price to what you want... if you want to buy the game just type in the amount that you consider the game is worth.

  6. Hey guys. I just finished my first personal game. (out of the many I'm working on).

    It's not a big one but I tried my best to make it work as nice as possible. There are currently no known bugs.

    More info:

    -5 Tile layouts with increasing difficulty(actual tiles are randomly generated)

    -Hint button that shows all the pairs that can be eliminated

    -Friendly help page where you can learn to play the game.

    -Ability to make the game full screen and to mute the sound.

    -Ability to change the background.

    -Undo your mistakes.

    I added some screen shots here:

    Screen Shot 1:


    Screen Shot 2:


    Screen Shot 3:


    Screen Shot 4:


    Screen Shot 5:



    It would mean a lot to me if you guys would buy it for what you want so I can actually buy a domain and make a normal website to add my future games(next incoming is a cool Sudoku).

    Here is a link to a page where you can find more info.


  7. Here is my style of multi-level games:


    Type Tapp
    Global ResX:int 
    Global ResY:int
    Global Depth:int
    Global FullScreen:Byte
    Global game:TGame
    Function Start()
    End Function
    Function Run()
    End Function
    Function LoadConfig()
    End Function
    Function SaveConfig()
    End Function
    Function LoadResources()
    End Function
    End Type
    Type TGame
    Field screen:TScreen
    Method Initialize()
    End Method
    Method Draw()
    End Method
    Method Update()
    End Method()
    End Type
    Type TScreen
    Field elementList:TList 'by element I mean GUI objects
    Field objectList:TList 'Basically everything that can be updated/Drawn
    Field World:TWorld
    Field Camera:TCamera
    Method Initialize()
    End Method
    Method Draw() abstract
    Method Update() abstract
    End Type
    Type TGameScreen extends TScreen
    Field Level:TLevel
    Field player:TPlayer
    Method Draw()
    End Method 
    Method Update()
    End Method 
    End Method
    Type TLevel
    Field basePivot:TPivot
    'A lot of other info about the level'
    Function Load:TLevel(path:string)
    End Function 
    End Type


    I hope this gives you an idea.

    Basically that's why I'm saying people shouldn't start big projects before doing at least one normal casual game where they can learn these things.

  8. You know why? The guys who manufacture them use old parts or parts that have problems just to get them cheaper(why do you think they are 25-50% cheaper?). I know this from a guy that worked on the assembly line.

    Frankly I'm looking at Asus G51J. A bit expensive but freaking hardcore in terms of performance and it's not bloated like those from Alienware.

  9. Okay while I programm in C++ for the most I just have to say the you are an idiotic freak to say "Nobody uses Blitz for professional development." People got more money from blitzmax and blitz3D than your life will ever be worth. I had a job to do a clock with nice graphics. I did that in like 2 hours and I got around 250$. Look at Gray Alien games. The guy there programs his games in blitzmax and now works at Bigfish games.

    Blitzmax supports a lot of nice features (language-wise) and even if it has a garbage collector it runs fast.

    If I'd have to do a casual game I'd choose blitzmax FTW.


    Tough I'd have to agree with you on some points. The support could be better on actual features not "How would I go to making burning building" or stuff like that. And Lumooja don't say that the support the fastest. Maybe that's because you have a source license but not everyone affords that.


    Also yes indeed not many games have been made. The free ones can't even really be called prototypes and I wonder if even 5% from the games that people work on will hit the shelves. Still... give it time.


    Once all the functions will work well it will be really nice to use it.


    Btw guys if you want to develop a MMO check out Hero Engine. Awsome stuff there. Thinking of buying that just for the pleasure of having it.

  10. I agree. I was unaware there was any problem until you pointed it out, so thank you.

    You are welcome mate. Hopefully it will be fixed in the final LE2.32 :P


    About the camera pick and load/save heightmap I think it was on your email. Anyway I'll prepare a short demo to show you exactly what I'm talking about.


    I'm using terrain created in the Leadwerks Editor, so essentially loaded from the saved heightmap during the LoadScene command.

    Yeah I noticed people who load from the SandBox don't seem to have this problem. That code doesn't work at all on my terrain.


    It's in C I know, but hopefully this might help.

    I programm in C as well so that's not a problem


    Thank you.

  11. Yes it may be a feature that nobody uses but if you claim on so many ads to have such a great terrain system then it has to be working. Am I not supposed to use a feature that's avaialbe just because other people don't use it?

    No actual game will be made with the sandbox so developers will have to use the actual engine for this.

    You haven't answered anything about the camerapick not working on terrains and neither on the loading/saving from file. These are vital parts of a game and they are not working.

    I'll try your new function and tell you how it's working.

  12. Thanks Lumooja. For some reason I tought internet archive does not store downloads.

    But seriously.. A lot of people will need this sooner or later so it could be stored on this website(if the author aprooves it)

  13. From what I understand from the wiki the only way to load a font is to create it with FontStudio. The software exists no more (I tried for like 2 hours to find a download) and thus I can't add Fonts to my interface. Because of the lack of a simple feature as ttf loading (and the "supported" one not working) there is currently no (documented) way of drawing a text with a certain font.

    Font's are not documented under bitzmax. In c++ LoadFont returns a TFont but in blitzmax it returns a TGLFont.

  14. Yes I do have those swapped because otherwise it does not work at all.

    I even had to make my rise/lower terrain functions that way because otherwise it doesn't work at all.

    Look at this:

    Method RiseTerrain(px:Float, py:Float, pz:Float, radius:Float, strength:Float)
    For Local x:Int = px - radius / 2 To px + radius / 2
    	For Local y:Int = pz - radius / 2 To pz + radius / 2
    		Local d:Float = (radius / 2 - Dist2(px, pz, x, y))
    		If d < 0
    			d = 0
    		Local h:Float = d / radius * strength / 1000.0
    		If h < 0
    			h = 0
    		End If
    		SetTerrainHeight(terrain, y + Width / 2, x + Height / 2, TerrainHeight(terrain, y + Width / 2, x + Height / 2) + h)
    End Method


    Notice this part "y + Width / 2, x + Height / 2, TerrainHeight(terrain, y + Width / 2, x + Height / 2) + h)". I just had to or it doesn't work right.

    Geez there really has to be a tutorial about all the terrain features.

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