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Alex Kordic

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Posts posted by Alex Kordic

  1. The decoded image is stored in CUDA memory in NV12 or planar YUV 4:2:0 format. memcpy() to texture is required. Color conversion to RGB24 is also required for opengl. Ideally i want color conversion where destination is texture memory.

    Great pointer to vulkan-video extensions!


    Hi, thank you for the info. I will start learning about vulkan-cuda interop.

    My goal is to produce "video texture" that gets updated each frame (if FPS is limited to 60). 

    Ideally I would like to avoid image copy. I don't like CUDA >> system >> vulkan. For 4K resolution this is a lot of overhead.


  3. Hi,


    I would like to use opengl calls to modify texture using cuda kernels.

    I would usually first make opengl context current to my thread, then get texture id, then register texture as cuda resource, run kernels, unregister cuda-texture and finally include my texture in render loop.

    What would be performant method to do this in UltraEngine?

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