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Posts posted by Xqzt_Nemesis

  1. Over the past 2 months or so, I was given an assignment to create a program as a part of a college assignment, I chose to use this API As it was recently recommend to me by a friend, I went with an app to help people play dungeons and dragons, as someone who has been playing it for a while I constantly found myself forgetting things or misplaying for various reasons.

    Included in the app so far, is a character tab that keeps track of everything needed by a player , a pop out dice roller, a spell search engine that can pop out and display more information about a given spell
    I am currently working on a way to incorporate stat blocks to allow for a greater utility to the user. 

    Would love to hear some feedback. :)

    DNDC displaypic 1.png

    DNDC displaypic 2.png

    DNDC displaypic 3.png

    DNDC displaypic 4.png

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