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  1. Daemoc's post in Performace and Lights was marked as the answer   
    I ran a few tests myself and there is a definite impact on frame rate when a lot of lights are involved. It was odd though, the impact seemed to be non-linear. 1-10 really had no impact at all. 10-30 had a steady impact. 50+ tanked the frame rate in a hurry. I don't know how hardware dependent this is either.
    The most important thing I learned is that you can have 10,000 lights on your map with no impact as long as they are not all being drawn at the same time. I will try to keep the light's on screen count under 10. I will also have to make sure the "detail" lights can be turned of on low spec machines.
  2. Daemoc's post in Stupid Questions was marked as the answer   
    I Got it!
    I had to change the side motions
    --Rightward Motion if self.entity:GetAirborne()==false and (window:KeyDown(Key.W) or window:KeyDown(Key.S))== false then if window:KeyDown(Key.Shift) and (window:KeyDown(Key.D) then newmode = "sr_run" self.entity:PlayAnimation("sr_jog_civ",0.03,100) elseif (window:KeyDown(Key.D) newmode = "sr_walk" self.entity:PlayAnimation("sr_walk_civ",0.02,100) else end end --Leftward Motion if self.entity:GetAirborne()==false and (window:KeyDown(Key.W) or window:KeyDown(Key.S))== false then if window:KeyDown(Key.Shift) and (window:KeyDown(Key.A) then newmode = "sl_run" self.entity:PlayAnimation("sl_jog_civ",0.03,100) elseif (window:KeyDown(Key.A) newmode = "sl_walk" self.entity:PlayAnimation("sl_walk_civ",0.02,100) else end end I don't know if this is the right way to do it. Heck, it might cause blue screens after 15 mins, but it works.
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