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Posts posted by battlegear2099

  1. figured I ask. as that' s my goal to use it for but figure I better ask first just to be on the safe side.    not really seeing allot on it is it suited for building a flight simulation is what I am looking to find out. I am  looking in building a controller for a plane for a start. first just basic one lifts off the ground and flies.    I have models loaded in to the engine and I guess next thing I am looking for how do control move and steer the plane . how do I interface with the engine model that I have loaded , I am working currently in lua code.  not  any examples on how to do that say like control a car first person.  that, kinda new to this engine, looking for some information on this process.  I don't want to get to far in, if its not suited for it.  how does the engine and it elements connect to the lua code how do I reference the objects I have loaded in., like the plane and or carrier or any other object   just need some info on this and how it done, to connect to plane object in lua code.  

     thanks.  bg




  2. np, I am just starting to look at docs and testing your engine , ok I will test it again when you make the change.   also I got a error testing loadModel code or load plugin . it errors with a end of file error on loading textures, I was able to download the textures and save them local and rewrite it for local and it worked.  so might want to test that, not sure if it was just my local firewall or its the file. 



    •   //Apply material based on terrain slope
        for (int x = 0; x < terrain->resolution.x; ++x)
            for (int y = 0; y < terrain->resolution.y; ++y)
                float slope = terrain->GetSlope(x, y);
                if (slope > 15.0f)
                    float wt = Min((slope - 15.0f) / 10.0f, 1.0f);
                    terrain->SetMaterial(x, y, rocks, wt); <-----------------?
    • void SetMaterial(shared_ptr<Material> material).....





    Screenshot 2023-12-20 223831.png

    • Thanks 1
  4. Is the Newton vehicle physics on the beta branch on steam available now ?, the time frame that was stated on here has come and gone by allot.  so I am checking to see as there have been no new topics on the subject.  Accept some info on the Newton physics site about it being just about ready? but I am not sure if that's was really for leadwerks. 

    If its not there yet , what is the new ETA .   I purchased this leadwerks pro 4 for its vehicle physics primary, so I am hoping I get to use it.

  5. OK I tried using it System:Print("Hello World")

    function Script:Start()

    System:Print("Hello World")



    also tried

    MyVariable = 3


    that still outputs nothing but Debug process connected, what could be the cause of this?.

    can you confirm it works on your end, if you don't mind.

    if it does I just reinstall it again I guess somthing must be currupted.


  6. Hi I have simple question in regarding to the command print(), I have tested the leadwerks 4.4 regular build and latest beta both are the same print() is not working for me.

    today I was just  trying some simple tutorial code  on leadwerks lula tutorials trying to output using print() command a variable to the debug window or  even the simple print("hello") does not output anything,all its says is Debug process connected.  So is it broken in leadwerks or is this somthing broke on my side , is there something I can check on my side  to fix this, I have reloaded/reinstalled leadwerks beta and current  and no change.

    I find this very strange that such simple command is not working, so figured I ask for help.


    Thanks Pat



  7. 1 hour ago, jen said:

    The errors look related to missing source files. That can easily be fixed. You just need to make sure the search directories for your source files exist as well as the library folders for the library files. That's good news.

    didnt seems to fix after adding symbols and source search sdk paths are correct, other warnings about crypt libs missing parts? so had a chat about it with mods. vs 2017 bt141 is not compatible, they never has successful testwith current builds lw4, have to wait till lw 5+

  8. on debug 32 and release 32,

    ok it was dumping that it couldn't find the pdb(symbols?)  after load or unloading the dll's

    and then exited with code 01 does not run

    this happens in vs community 2017 only on windows 10 64bit on bt140 bt141only, sdk8,1 and sdk10

    and does not on vs 2015.

    So I guessing vs 2017 community needs other settings setup , extra work.

    those are only errors I got on my tests.


















  9. I have another question regarding the sdk versions compatible with leadwerks game engine, the beta and none beta.

    I have been testing to see what works and what does not out of the box with leadwerks for me.

    I have been able to compile the project samples on vs 2015 with sdk 8.1 with build tools 140 no problem so I know I have my vs set up is correct as far as I can tell, my other none lw vs projects work normal on vs 2015 and vs community 2017. dont see any sdk and  lw source path issues all look ok.



    But any newer versions other than old windows sdk8.1 on vs 2015  I can't get working, I have tried re targeting test project on vs 2017 community  with build tools with latest sdk10 and bt141 and even tried sdk8.1 and 140 version and I get tone of output errors and fails to build a working 32bit and 64bit exe project tested and never launches just exit, this is exact same code project as working in vs 2015 sdk 8.1 bt140. 

    So is this know limitation with lw or do I have to do something to get these sample projects to compile on newer vs 2017 community on latest sdk10 and bt141. Little puzzled I have compared the same project builds in vs 2015 sdk8.1 on bt140 and vs community 2017 sdk8.1 bt140. on this issue and don't want to be like a dog chasing my own tail on this issue.


    I  am trying to limit how many versions of visual studios I need installed on my desktop and laptop to save space and simplify my build environment for lw and any other vs studio dev game software code and use the latest windows 10 sdk and I like to get rid of older vs 2015  and use the new opens source vs 2017 community. 


    So what is compatible just vs 2015 on sdk8.1 with bt140 , shouldn't vs 2017 community work with sdk8.1 and bt140? does not for me.


    Thanks if you can answer my questions



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