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Posts posted by MaxAigner

  1. Hello People,


    I created a presentation software for a company and noted that the minimum requirements are OpenGL 4.0 and DirectX 11 and Shadermodel 4 (not sure about this).

    Turns out that on the Notebook with a

    GTX 630M and a

    Intel HD3000 (Optimus Technology)

    Windows 8.1


    It seems not to work at all..(neither Leadwerks Editor/Launcher nor my program):

    ( Failed to initialize graphics. Please ensure your graphics hardware is compatible and install new graphics drivers)


    Did I miss a requirement?



    thanks in advance for your help!



    Max Aigner

  2. Hm that is awkward - anyway I have an Idea -

    Probably it is because of the touchpanel that both my "infected" computers have!

    probably you can try out a surface pro 3 -> maybe there are some issues because of the higher scaled touchpanel or something

    what do you think?




  3. @Olby: thank you again! I did not quite get it to run but it makes sence so I will try it these days..




    I am currently using Notepad++ and NOT the LE3 Lua Editor because I want these features:

    • autocompletion
    • CTRL+Left / Right --> skip a Word function
    • CTRL+Backspace --> delete a word
    • CTRL+SHIFT+ Left/Right --> Select a whole Word.
    • When I select a Word all other Words around (which have the same content) are highlighted
    • Better coordination of the STRG+F Search (text in search-textbox should be selected after STRG+F -> F3 Key - "SearchNext" should work immediately after I typed the text in the searchbox and pressed ENTER

    those are so easy functions and for me it enhances my development a lot. Notepad++ has these features so I use this..

  4. Hello everyone,


    I know I ask quite some questions the last days - it's just that I have only three days a week to develop my customers needs..


    I need a possibility to convert PNG files to TEX files.

    Because my software will include the customers PNG files in the 3d Scene.


    Is there a sourcecode for saving in the TEX file format?

    (or a simple file description of TEX files...?)


    thank you in advance! -




  5. OK.. I played a bit around and read through your code beo6 -

    Isn't the code just for like 4 points?

    I need a code for N-points... nevertheless it is a good starting and I think I get the math of spline slowy, too biggrin.pngsmile.png

    When I have it I'll write the code.. for now this is also helpful:

  6. I have tested it on two computers with a HD 4000 from Intel:

    1. Intelchip PLUS Monitor
    2. on my surface there is an Intel Chip and no monitor !

    both have the oversized Leadwerks screen.


    on GTX 980 there it Works completely fine (no issue!) ! with the same code (the same exe file)


    the error comes only on high or HD resolutions like 2160x1440 or 1920x1080

    Do you have a notebook to test it with a high resolution?

  7. first I looped through the GetGraphicsMode() Modes with a and just picked the one that has the same aspect ratio

    it was something like this:

    resolution = Vec2(0)
    countmodes = System:CountGraphicsModes() 
    for i = 0 , countmodes -1, 1 do
      vec = System:GetGraphicsMode(i)
      if math.floor(1024/768) == math.floor(vec.x/vec.y) then
         resolution.x = vec.x
         resolution.y = vec.y

    (it had the same Issue of too big Fullscreens)


    NOW I am using an External Launcher But still I have that Issue but ONLY on three of my INTEL chips - not on two tested Nvidia devices.... sad.pngunsure.png


    DOWNLOAD Example (works with ALL Leadwerks fullscreen projects)

  8. Hello People,


    I have a question about one Intel Card Related Issue.



    When I Start a Leadwerks Program, the Fullscreen is bigger than the hardware-screen itself, so about 30% of the Leadwerks Content is outside of the hardware screen (see attached file)


    Download this example Code - change the resolutionx and resolutiony in the main.lua

    ( note the ball is not in center for big resolutions - you can see the too big fullscreen when you have a second screen on the right)


    import "LEAddon.lua"
    --Set the application title
    title="AMES Präsentation"
    -- notfalls über GetProperty einfach die commandline params "resx rexy" holen -> mit Purebasic dann einfach einen Launcher machen.
    resolution = Vec2(0)
    resolution = System:GetGraphicsMode(System:CountGraphicsModes()-1)
    countmodes = System:CountGraphicsModes()
    erg = Vec2(0)
    resolution.x = System:GetProperty("resx" , 1024) -- the resolution of the notebook is 1920
    resolution.y = System:GetProperty("resy" , 768) -- resy is here: 1080
    --Create a window
    local windowstyle = window.Titlebar
    window=Window:Create(title,0,0,resolution.x , resolution.y,windowstyle)
    --Create the graphics context
    if context==nil then return end


    How can I fix this Issue of a too big screen...?


  9. hi everyone,


    I have just tried to implement an DLL into lua with the loadlib command.


    they say it should work but it does not



    path = "c:\\windows\\system32\\user32.dll"
       local GetSystemMetrics = assert(loadlib(path, "GetSystemMetrics"))



    "Script Error:

    Attempt to call global 'loadlib' (a nil value)


    Is there a way of enabling this?


    It would increase the possibilities of Leadwerks and Lua a Lot and it would allow us to make better leadwerks projects so that leadwerks can get more famous and bought more often!!

  10. Do not use Cycles -> it only works with the original internal Renderer switched on for me.


    so you have to give your models a blender Material and Texture and then it exports at least the right materials smile.png


    One Issue:

    For me it exports Model, Material and Texture but it does not combine Material and Texture together..

    I Wish the Material would be automatically assigned.. is there a workaround?



    Max Aigner

    [if somebody asks this question again]

  11. Hello,



    1. the Error "Couldn't find exportable Objects" comes if the selected Object has a Parent.

    Workaround: Unparent the object you want to export.


    2. it would be awesome if the exporter would remember the checkboxes I checked (export only selected models) even when the last export went wrong... (the "export only selected" should be default in my opinion..)


    anyway a good exporter - keep updating!



    Max Aigner

  12. Hello forum,


    I am trying to make my camera move along some 3D points that also store rotation


    How can I make the movement smooth like in a spline?


    I don't know much about splines but found this for leadwerks 2:



    How can I do sth. like that on Leadwerks 3?


    thanks for your help!




    Max Aigner

  13. Hello Beo6!

    that looks very nice!

    I tried to include it into the main function after I copied the DLL and the lua file into the Folder where the EXEs are.

    just when I add the


    into the main file on the very top, it prompts an error:


    attempt to call global 'require' - a nill value.


    do I have to change some more?

    I am quite new to lua





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