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Posts posted by waldemarlima

  1. hi everyone ! I would suggest that added commands to C ++, I would can add scripts LUA in an entity whatever I define for a command, example> I created a simple box, I can link a script LUA in the box with a command like ( entity:loadScript (EntityID, "LUASCRIPTPATH")wink.png or something like this smile.png .....


    and also like that added commands to connect to a server (TCP or UDP) and receive messages > string, integer and float and too send messages > string , integer and float.... would be very useful !



    thanks by attention smile.png

  2. Hello guys how are?

    Well I've got a problem here in LEadwerks IDE, it began to appear shortly after updating the LE 3.6, every time I add some object type camera, directional light, prefabs, or some external object, the same error occurs ...


    screenshot :












    I do not know if this is a bug or problem in any setting (although this project has been created right now ...) someone help me?

  3. thank you friend: jazzonya, to mention above.


    below post a tutorial with images, so that it is easy to comprehension, first thanking: jazzonya: D



    First, you must open your account Mixamo, and go to my assets session : http://prntscr.com/8bj133

    after you need go to my animations tab : http://prntscr.com/8bj1sh

    Now, you need to download each animation, one by one, so that the main Bone (mesh bone), already be downloaded with the animation that you would like to put on your character ... : http://prntscr.com/8bj40r


    after what you request download : http://prntscr.com/8bj5gv


    you need open LE project folder , and copy downloaded file inside any folder what you want , after what you do this .



    ok , now open LE model editor , http://prntscr.com/8bj7el ,

    after you've done all this, do this process with the "new" animation, we want to include in this model ...



    new model imported in LE : http://prntscr.com/8bj8ox


    open Le model editor again , and go to FILE -> Load Animation : http://prntscr.com/8bj95m .

    import new .mdl generated of new animation : http://prntscr.com/8bjadj



    final result xD : http://prntscr.com/8bjb61

    • Upvote 5
  4. hi , how are yours ?

    well , i have some models animateds in Mixamo , but when i try import to LeadWerks , show error " Failed to load animation " DIRECTORY '-' \ idle.mdl

    *Please someone can help me ? ;-;



    //model files = http://prntscr.com/85tj36


    // Model imported to LeadWerks Editor = http://prntscr.com/85tjx7


    //model editor print 1 = http://prntscr.com/85tkjo


    //model editor print 2 = http://prntscr.com/85tl2a


    // error what show when i try import animation = http://prntscr.com/85tluk

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