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Posts posted by Eagle

  1. Tree of Madness

    This is the animated Tree of Madness, once you load this model you will see what I mean. I was working on creating a light wind blown animation that was pleasant and smooth.. this is Neither of those things my friends!

    I've also included the model in milkshape format (so its easy to convert to other formats) that way you can play with the raw model if you want,


    Its in the model download section,


    Enjoy~ <giggles>



    Vickie wink.png

  2. Now remember Valentine, when you write your apology make sure its heart felt! Use words like "my heart is warmed by all of your awesomeness" or "being in your presents makes me humble" , you know , stuff like that ;) then you can conclude with a "I love you all!!!!"


    its so sweet~~~ make me all warm inside ;)



    Vickie ;)

  3. Hey Valentine, are you a troll? Whats with all the drama? This is a great board and the people here are really cool. Being a noob you should not be so bosh. If these guys turn on you it wont be long before you leave. I've seen them make grown men cry (it was pretty funny too ;))


    Anyway, just wanted to say "hi"



    Vickie ;)

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