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Posts posted by theonlysnowflake

  1. Dont you get this error when you try and load a newer version map on an older version Leadwerks?

    The error is only in one project after I update something. In a new project everything is fine, and in the old project I've had for about 6 months now it happens only to a map I update something on (ie if I move a pivot)

  2. When I run a game, I am getting the following error:

    Map file version 40 not supported.  Update this project in the project manager to get the latest executable, or recompile your game.


    When I go into the project manager and click "Update", I get this error:

    Failed to copy file "$PROJECT_NAME" to project directory.

    The game has been exported and imported to many different computers, and I have many backups, but no matter what computer I run it on or what backup I use of it, I get the same error when running. Any suggestions?

  3. Is there a way to do a thread.sleep function like in java, but in lua? I am making a piston-like function based off the sliding door function where it pushes out, then waits for a set amount of time, then falls back in. I had it as time:Delay(1000) but that would pause the game and I didn't want that. Any help?

  4. Is there a way to integrate it without treating it like a mouse, ie can you make it so the game naturally runs the steam controller. I know in the API reference in steamworks there's a controller integration, but it doesn't seem to allow it to naturally work in-game.

  5. I am trying to make it so when you press space it advances to the next map, but am having a little trouble. I have it embedded in the Player (for the ball game template). Here's what I have


    Script.mapname=""--string "Map Name"
    if self.levelcomplete then
     if window:KeyHit(Key.Space) then
      return Map:Load("Maps/"..self.mapname)


    When I hit space, the text disappears and reappers really fast. It's doing something, but I don't know what. Are there any suggestions???

  6. Hello people. I am working on a new Marble Run like game (Because I may or may not have deleted my first one...). I have a few quick questions though


    1. How do you add a start menu with a way to start a new game, and a way to choose different worlds. I sort of had in mind a thing like where it would show a picture with a yellow box around it, and you choose world 1 or world 2, but just have no clue what I am doing


    2. How do you add a logo-animation at the beginning of the game while it loads (Like how valve has the guy with the valve in his head at the beginning of portal/halflife/every other valve game)?


    Thank you in advance for responding.

  7. I've "finished" a new game and want to publish it to the workshop, but no matter what I try, the game will not publish. It uploads the game, then gets frozen on the "publishing" part of it and then times out. A small window appears and says "failed to publish game" with no other explanation. Are there any suggestions on how to fix this?

  8. I'm trying to create a script that spawns an object every so often at a set time, but I keep getting a script error that says " '=' expected near 'function'". I'm new to programming and have no clue what that means. here's a screenshot of it in context. ANy help would be very appreciated.


    Script.spawnObject = "" --entity "Object"
    Script.spawnTimer = 1.5 --float "Spawn timer"
    function Script:UpdateWorld()
    self.timer = self.timer + (Time:GetSpeed()/100)
    if(self.timer > self.spawnTimer) then
     local newObject = self.spawnObject:Instance()
     self.timer = 0


  9. I was working on a map in windows 10 and I dragged in the FPSPlayer Prefab and after I did that every shape thing (brush i believe is what they're called... idk), a large white version of the skeleton of the FPSPlayer would appear in the 3D perspective viewport and get in the way. Its not very major, but it is a hinderance.


    (see picture for looks)


  10. How do you assign a shape to an object so the character doesn't walk right through it? There used to be a convenient and easy-to-use tool under the physics tab but now its gone



  11. I am making a contraption that is sort of like pistons, and know how to make everything except a timer to keep them moving. I was thinking I could create a pivot to have an output (that I could manage in the FlowGraph editor), and just have it loop the output with a delay of about a second before it loops again.


    To quickly summarize

    1. How to program an output that will be displayed in the FlowGraph editor
    2. How to loop it with a delay between outputs
    3. How to have it not stop until I want it to.

    Thank you

  12. No, but you can make an installer that silently installs OpenAL. A lot of game installers do this.


    It MIGHT be possible to just put OpenAL.dll in your game's directory, but that might not work on some machines.


    How would I have it silently launch OpenAL? The computers that are judging the games have admin rights so it should be able to install it, I just would need it so when you click the .exe file it opens the game as well as installing OpenAL

  13. Is there a way to publish a game as a standalone without having to have OpenAL installed on the computer running the game? I want to submit a game to a game contest my school has, but it needs to be able to run just with the standard windows applications (like I send a .zip folder and they can just run the .exe file)

  14. Help! My game won't launch. Whenever I launch it, a pop-up window appears and says "Failed to initialize sound device. Is OpenAL installed?" I've narrowed it down to two things. 1, OpenAL is installed and won't load the game, or B, OpenAL isn't installed. if option A, what do I do, and if option 2, what do I do




    I've been able to use this before (like a lot... more than I feel is good for me...). It never has had any problems. I've also downloaded games for leadwerks, where it makes me install OpenAL, and have installed OpenAL before. But I have a timeline and need to finish my game for a school competition and now am feeling super rushed.



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