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Posts posted by Kotaros

  1. very nice stuff ,one time if i figure it more in blender fondation out and make a good animated model with same bones + add sequences easy and with hitboxes and free for all .... but it takes more time as i thought before


    i find out how hitboxes can hide without scipt just select the material from the clothes to the hitbox and it will be hidden


    ty for help to all again

  2. hey #1








    i use blender animated models and i have there more surfaces maybee 5 or more you can test it out , looking too that easy character creation from nick ace here you can find the way to get one of them model with 5 surfaces for your game



    if you use soon the same bones constilations mybe game jonson you can im import new sequences every time via model editor


    mybee that resolved nearly your case



  3. yes rpg includet is the most i think voted here


    in my view my points for rpg here ,leadwerks is a very good plattform for newbies and profis it takes time to learn ,sure if more people use this plattform is a handicap for all because more people more ideas


    leadwerks have great potential, the most of the games are 3d shooter you can sell or buy its popular in most plattforms, this was a great step and a template in rpg brings more options twice



    - easy 3rd person cam and models with multiplayer fps and controller ,health,pickup items weapons


    - fit models and character for touch collusion easy for meele fights simple anime inc.(already for more animations sequences can be addet in the model editor self ) its works great with the same model from make human rig presets game.json later export to blender fondation and animate whatever and addet self individual for who animaton clothes and more as we see in turtorials


    -fit wasd keys for direction freerun and the keys for animation maybee wich key they want example for wich animation lua or c++ parameter

    select key (j) select animation (2)

    select key (k) select animation (5)..and more


    really this points are not difficult to added in a template ,from my side i figure some points out of them self , just to make the plattform easy to use in those case and more


    and to the staff its really not to make more headache , it can be sold as an dlc or add on additional but if its free its allready ok


    this is the thing that every one search and work from the lua side if undertstand this soon not far away

    from c++ to make a turtorial to transfer commands i think


    sry again all for my stupid posts in topics this was just my experience

  4. ty nick i worked on that seveal test,if you load and retarget bvh with make walk plugin its saved every time the animations as a sequence automaticly without nla strip or action editor if you reload you cant see the animation that you load before


    you didnt see it in blender but if you import fbx in leadwerks you see them all in the model editor later you can add sequence from same model in model editor


    the thing is jorn tell in the model turtorial better to have one big sequence import that you can splitt in the model editor in more sequences and renamed self


    im new in this things and try to figure it more out

  5. here is a funny mdl with mocap bvh to see the function of all and its works fine i must working on it fix the directions impossible make self animations better i use the barbarian mat texture its funny but works ..2nd blnd.mdl


    by blender i make my own animatins but sometimes see not good like the last sequence on the model but for all good to see how its works you can load any animations inside the model and set it for an coding in c++ ,my eqperience is low but maybee soon we will see if i can take it on

    2nd blnd.mdl



    thx for support





    #include "App.h"


    using namespace Leadwerks;


    App::App() : window(NULL), context(NULL), world(NULL), camera(NULL) {}


    App::~App() { delete world; delete window; }





    Vec3 camRot;





    float timer;

    enum blndAnimation


    walk = 0,

    run = 1,

    slowboxc = 2,

    kickbasupi = 3,

    frun = 4,

    sprungknie = 5,

    kickc3 = 6



    blndAnimation blndanim = blndAnimation::run;

    float blend;



    float startTime;

    float frameTime;

    bool playAnimation;


    bool App::Start()


    //Initialize Steamworks (optional)

    /*if (!Steamworks::Initialize())


    System::Print("Error: Failed to initialize Steam.");

    return false;



    //Create a window

    window = Window::Create("_mas_", 100, 100, 1024, 768);


    //Create a context

    context = Context::Create(window);


    //Create a world

    world = World::Create();


    Light * light = DirectionalLight::Create();

    light -> SetRotation(45, 45, 0);



    //Create a camera

    camera = Camera::Create();


    camPivot = Pivot::Create();



    //load a model

    blnd = Model::Load("Models/2nd blnd.mdl");


    camRot = (0,0,-4);

    blnd->SetPosition(1, 3, 4);


    timer = 0;

    blend = 0;



    //play once variables

    startTime = 0;

    frameTime = 0;

    playAnimation = false;





    return true;



    bool App::Loop()



    //close the window to end of program

    if (window->Closed()||window->KeyHit(Key::Escape)) return false;


    //mouse controls

    if (window->MouseDown(1))


    camRot.y += (window->MouseX() - (window->GetWidth() / 2)) *Time::GetSpeed()*0.2;

    camRot.x += (window->MouseY() - (window->GetWidth() / 2)) *Time::GetSpeed()*0.2;


    if (window->MouseDown(2))

    camRot.z += (window->MouseY() - (window->GetHeight() / 2)) *Time::GetSpeed()*0.1;


    //Position camera at model

    Vec3 pos = blnd->GetPosition();

    camera->SetPosition(pos.x, pos.y + 1, pos.z);

    camera->SetRotation(camRot.x, camRot.y, 0);

    camera->Move(0, 0, camRot.z);

    window->SetMousePosition(window->GetWidth() / 2, window->GetHeight()/ 2);



    if (window->KeyHit(Key:ohmy.png))


    if (blndanim -1 < 0)

    blndanim = blndAnimation::walk;


    blndanim = static_cast<blndAnimation>(blndanim - 1);


    blend = 0;



    if (window->KeyHit(Key:tongue.png))


    if (blndanim +1 > 40)

    blndanim = blndAnimation::run;


    blndanim = static_cast<blndAnimation>(blndanim + 1);


    blend = 0;



    timer = Time::GetCurrent() / 100;

    blend += 0.01*Time::GetSpeed();

    if (blend > 1)

    blend = 1;



    float move = window->KeyDown(Key::K);

    float attacking = window->KeyDown(Key::L);


    if (move == 1 && attacking == 1)


    //running and attacking

    blnd->SetAnimationFrame(timer, blend, blndAnimation::walk, true);

    Entity*hip = blnd->FindChild("hip");

    hip->SetAnimationFrame(timer, blend, blndAnimation::kickc3, true);


    else if (move == 1)


    //just run

    blnd->SetAnimationFrame(timer, blend, blndAnimation::walk, true);


    else if (attacking == 1)


    //just attack

    blnd->SetAnimationFrame(timer, blend, blndAnimation::kickc3, true);



    blnd->SetAnimationFrame(timer, blend, blndanim, true);









    return true;














    #pragma once

    #include "Leadwerks.h"


    using namespace Leadwerks;


    class App



    Leadwerks::Window* window;

    Context* context;

    World* world;

    Camera* camera;



    virtual ~App();


    virtual bool Start();

    virtual bool Loop();









    #ifndef OS_IOS

    #ifndef _DLL


    #include "App.h"




    using namespace Leadwerks;


    void DebugErrorHook(char* c)






    exit(1);//<--------------------------- Add a breakpoint here to catch errors






    #ifdef __APPLE__

    int main_(int argc,const char *argv[])



    int main(int argc,const char *argv[])




    //Load saved settings

    std::string settingsfile = std::string(argv[0]);

    settingsfile = FileSystem::StripAll(settingsfile);

    if (String::Right(settingsfile, 6) == ".debug") settingsfile = String::Left(settingsfile, settingsfile.length() - 6);

    std::string settingsdir = FileSystem::GetAppDataPath();

    #ifdef __linux__

    #ifndef __ANDROID__

    settingsdir = settingsdir + "/." + String::Lower(settingsfile);


    settingsdir = settingsdir + "/" + settingsfile;



    settingsdir = settingsdir + "/" + settingsfile;


    if (FileSystem::GetFileType(settingsdir) == 0) FileSystem::CreateDir(settingsdir);

    settingsfile = settingsdir + "/" + settingsfile + ".cfg";



    //Load command-line parameters

    System::ParseCommandLine(argc, argv);


    //Add debug hook for catching errors



    //Load any zip files in main directory

    Leadwerks::Directory* dir = Leadwerks::FileSystem::LoadDir(".");

    if (dir)


    for (int i=0; i<dir->files.size(); i++)


    std::string file = dir->files;

    if (Leadwerks::String::Lower(Leadwerks::FileSystem::ExtractExt(file))=="zip")





    delete dir;



    #ifdef DEBUG

    std::string debuggerhostname = System::GetProperty("debuggerhostname");

    if (debuggerhostname!="")


    //Connect to the debugger

    int debuggerport = String::Int(System::GetProperty("debuggerport"));

    if (!Interpreter::Connect(debuggerhostname,debuggerport))


    Print("Error: Failed to connect to debugger with hostname \""+debuggerhostname+"\" and port "+String(debuggerport)+".");

    return false;


    Print("Successfully connected to debugger.");

    std::string breakpointsfile = System::GetProperty("breakpointsfile");

    if (breakpointsfile!="")


    if (!Interpreter::LoadBreakpoints(breakpointsfile))


    Print("Error: Failed to load breakpoints file \""+breakpointsfile+"\".");






    // Print("No debugger hostname supplied in command line.");



    App* app = new App;

    if (app->Start())


    while (app->Loop()) {}

    #ifdef DEBUG



    //Save settings

    delete app;



    return 0;




    #ifdef DEBUG



    return 1;






    i use blnd2 is better import a model without numbers because the vs find blnd not blnd2

    Select a media type to choose what to share.here

  6. hallo community


    i find this one more and an idea complicated but for wrestling moves maybee usual my english not so good too explain and im a noob in the developement cases first to undestand 3 main lines to follow leadwerks engine ,c++ and blender //for animation for funeral tests ,its mixed and also complex work on 3 things together but i learn slow ,but in my gamecase usually


    thanks for reply

  7. thanks for reply randomkeyhits


    i read the content its a nice idea for me in my status actually complicated to understand the 100% ,i see now they are many ways to get it work with collusion animations betwen charakters/players

  8. this is from another forum and a another option if its possible


    It's pretty simple when you break it down. Do all of your attacks in Montages (Preferably with Root Motion), Have capsules over the fists / legs. When the montage is playing, set a bool that will change the collision of the capsules to something that will collide with the enemy. When the montage is over, set the bool back so it no longer collides. If the fists / legs collide with enemy while active, add damage.


    If health = 0, then kill the enemy and what not.

  9. hi i have find something abbout this but another engine nearly your topic i thing its helpfully


    It's pretty simple when you break it down. Do all of your attacks in Montages (Preferably with Root Motion), Have capsules over the fists / legs. When the montage is playing, set a bool that will change the collision of the capsules to something that will collide with the enemy. When the montage is over, set the bool back so it no longer collides. If the fists / legs collide with enemy while active, add damage.


    If health = 0, then kill the enemy and what not.







    Me: hi rick sorry for disturb is this right--- le 3.4 cant use for vs 2010 c++ ..... only for vs 2013 c++ compatible

    Me: and higher not lesser

    Rick: yes


    Rick: you could make it work with < 2013 but you'd have to set up the environment yourself

    Me: thanks i try few das isee definitly cant use 3.4 with vs 2010


    Me: 2013 is expensive 600usd or higher is there another solution for c++ thanks for answer rick



    Rick: the free express edition is what everyone uses

    Me: its atrial 90 days


    Me: after we must pay or i read it wrong


    Rick: express is free and no trial. you can use it forever

    Rick: just be sure it's express editiom

    Me: ok really thanks by me it runs good when i use 2013 this without settings loadet sln fast


    Me: me confused the turtorial by aggror when he used 3.0 that was the reason


    Me: he used vs 2010 ther


    Me: Ihr Download: Visual Studio Express 2013 für Windows Desktop


    Me: this is the right version


    just vs 2013 express or higher

  11. hi i post some questions abbout actions command is nearly the same comments i postet here how i handle it easy i saw that torturial the mdl c++ writting by aggror its looks nice but how its funktion global on all players fight mmorpg if there different hurt animations like melee attacks example high force ,middle force ,low force and the target or me have react to them with the global hurt animation valid to all players who attack a nearly opponent .....example if i hit or he hit me in the stomach then he or i do the middle force animation


    and how i can connected withoutlost fps ,capacity,and bugs



  12. hi leadwerks support and members



    i am a noob sorry i testing many situations in leadwerks and blender before i know what i want first


    1.i created an animated model with many sequences melee attacks and hurt animations with blender


    2. what i want to explain how i write the hurt animations to the in commng attack animations


    3 example if i hit the oponnent or the oponent hits me on the head ,or stomatch or legs that i place in that animation for


    4.--- example script ...1 headbutt = if this attacks hit player in the near get =2 head hurt nimation

    4 jab = if this attacks hit player in the near get =2 head hurt animation

    9 roundhouse kick =if this attacks hit player in the near get =2 head hurt animation

    10 jump side kick = if this attacks hit player in the near get =2 head hurt animation



    3 low kick = if this attacks hit player in the near get =6 leg hurt animation

    5 foot sweep = if this attacks hit player in the near get =6 leg hurt animation


    same with grab judo wrestling throw animations grip the next nearly and throw how it be connected

    please write me an example script how i can handle it or is there a another option to make that work with a hit line in wich way and line the attack comes in so that make that animation automaticly


    a video of overgroth an example game i preffer the key attacks more than an random attacks



    they talking abbout transferring force from watkins to ragdoll based on squared distance from the line if the weapon or attack incentive a specific point , is there 2 ways or more and wich is the best and easyest way to made it work with smallest capacities



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