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Posts posted by moechofe

  1. As I recall the C++ default template creates a camera in code.

    I have removed the camera from the default C++ template.


    Also every lightsource is a camera

    I confirm this.


    So, how leadwerk manage to find the good one?

    Changing extern Camera* ActiveCamera; don't seem to work for me.

  2. Just an update to explain that it works. My goal was to chain pivot entities to create a path system.


    My Camera has a script with a first entity value that point to Pivot 2.

    The Pivot 2 has a script with a target entity value that point to Pivot 4.



    In the Camera script :

    if self.first then
        self.from = self.first:GetPosition(true)
        if self.first.script and self.first.script.target then
    	    self.dest = self.first.script.target:GetPosition(true)

  3. Hi,


    I should have an error in my lua script but, because my C++ application crash right after launching it, I can't see any error. The console log also disappear. The crash is produced by the Map::load() function.


    Is there any solution to make the content on the log windows appear in Visual Studio Express?

  4. Hi,


    Because Leadwerks use only bones to animate 3D models, I created a simple scene is Blender with 2 disconnected bones that allow me to translate an object. After exporting it to an .mdl file, importing it into LE and open the model editor: the animation is present but my object doesn't move.


    Is Leadwerks need bones to be connected together to be animated?


  5. Hi,


    I would like to access a property of a script (the one that appear in the Script panel of the leadwerks editor) inside an other lua script or with c++. How to do that?


    Something like:




  6. I found that creating a C++ project for Windows generates errors in the Linux project and conversely: the environment path is wrongly setted.


    To fix the first one, open the .cpb CodeBlock project file in the Projects/Linux folder and look for


    in the XML and change it to


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