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Posts posted by SylenthX

  1. First post here in a couple years... Unfortunately, not a good thing. I have an interest in Leadwerks again, but unfortunately, I no longer have access to the Steam account I purchased it with, or the email tied to that account. I've tried contacting Steam support and they have given me no response.


    So I'm asking you guys for help. Is there anything I can do about this? I've lost a $200 value (I had the Professional Edition DLC), and I really want to use Leadwerks for my next project. Anybody have any suggestions or ways to help?



    I still have my original purchase receipt for both Leadwerks and the Professional Edition DLC. If there is any way you can get me a copy of Leadwerks if I show them to you, (or help at all), I'd be infinitely grateful.


    Thank you. I hope everyone has a great rest of their day.

  2. Hello everyone, I am creating a game where the player has to use physics to navigate the level, such as stacking objects to create stairs to get to a point, etc. In said game, the player can accidently drop objects off the level or get them destroyed by other forces. I would like to implement a feature where the player can hit a key and the level and all scripts, lighting, etc. is reloaded. This code must be in C++. How can I do this? Please help. Thanks.

  3. I am getting the following error when opening the SLN of my newly generated C++ project.

    C:\Users\Jon\Documents\Leadwerks\Projects\MindEscape\Projects\Windows\MindEscape.vcxproj : error : Unable to read the project file "MindEscape.vcxproj".
    C:\Users\Jon\Documents\Leadwerks\Projects\MindEscape\Projects\Windows\MindEscape.vcxproj(27,3): The imported project "C:\Microsoft.Cpp.Default.props" was not found. Confirm that the path in the <Import> declaration is correct, and that the file exists on disk.

    Please help!

  4. Here are some suggestions as to why this may not work (yes the first suggestion is kind of obvious, but just want to check, and if it isn't obvious, then there should be clearer documentation on this):

    • You need to hold your mouse over the perspective window while doing this
    • You have a full-screen shader that shouldn't be a full-screen shader

    What does your project look like? Could you maybe post a screenshot? If it's just a blank project, then you can just say that.

    Blank Project.

  5. Welcome to the community!


    For you first question, you can look around the world you create by holding down the right mouse button and moving your mouse in the perspective view. As far as orbiting (looking at a 3D point while moving around it), I don't think this is possible automatically, although I might be wrong.


    I would avoid using debug mode whenever possible. People seem to get confused for when to use it. I think that's its main purpose is to allow for exceptions to occur and not end the program (essentially exception handling), so I would avoid using it for right now. It also runs very slow.


    If you do need to use it in the future for some reason, please file a bug report and post relevant assets (like code) so that Josh can better diagnose this. As far as I know, I haven't seen this error before, but it may be glitch, or it might be an issue with the code, it's too hard to tell.


    I have tried holding RMB and it is not working. Help?

  6. Hello Everyone! I recently purchased the Indie Edition of Leadwerks off of Steam, and have been enjoying it. I noticed that I can't orbit / look around in the perspective editor, unlike the documentation says. Has this happened to anyone else? Thanks.


    Edit: I also forgot to mention that when I try to use "Debug" mode, I only get the script editor window, and no game appears. Anyone else?

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