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Developers, Bioware, & Leadwerks: The Sacramento Game Developers Meetup

Chris Vossen



There is only one word to describe the people of the gaming industry: awesome. Maybe it’s because we work on projects we love, maybe it’s the lack of sleep, it could be the countless hours we’ve spent perfecting our twitch reflexes, but I think the bottom line is we are 1337 (It’s probably because of the robe and wizard hat).


This past weekend members of the Leadwerks team journeyed out to the Sacramento Game Developers Meetup Group http://www.meetup.com/gamedeveloper/ to rub elbows with the local game dev community.




The meeting kicked off with a presentation by Robert H. Oats III (pictured above) the associate technical director at Bioware Sacramento. Robert gave a refreshingly unedited account of his time in the game industry reciting stories of his career path which started at Gas Powered Games, moved to Telltale, and ended up at Klicknation which was acquired by EA and given to Bioware.




After the presentation finished, came a brief Q & A session in which Robert offered advice on a myriad of subjects ranging from “What questions do you ask in an interview?” to “What is it like working for EA?” My favorite question came from my boss Josh when he inquired “Do you ever regret hiring an employee” this is not a question you want to hear your boss ask when you are the newest intern. Josh later assured me this question was not directed towards me but it certainly made me smile during the QA session.


Overall it was a great group of game developers talking about their personal projects and a fun a welcoming community. Basically game developers rock.



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Josh thinking : " this guy is so smart that he can write his code without leaving hands from his pants...

sure i will keep him !"

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I don't recall the exact answer but it was it was along the lines of: "This has only happened to me once" and preceded to tell the story of a recommendation going awry.


As for Robin Williams, I can see the resemblance:


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