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Vector font tweaks and HSI




Working on the tactical situation display elements, the vector font output was never quite as crisp as I'd hoped for but that's now fixed by keeping the 1:1 scale and changing the ortho projection matrix. Bigger works better than smaller when it comes to float accuracy with consumer level drivers that focus on games and performance I guess.


Still have the map scale to do, that's forming part of the mission terminal code. But the rest of the TSD is coming together. I need to put an upper limit on symbols otherwise some numpty crews might get a bit happy adding symbols to spell rude words or add smiley faces to the map.


Added a basic HSI rose function and added that to the TSD NAV mode. Everything seems to mask OK. Only issue so far is the pop-up repeaters, they are currently too dim/dark, see second image below.





You can see the vector fonts are much better defined in the above image even though it's a bit feint (and oversized for the window res I use on my laptop).


So far, the Apache avionics suite includes a basic navigation system, 5 radios, two almost complete HMD modes and a tactical system in progress. It's actually getting pretty fun to fly around now, some bugs notwithstanding. View system could use some love as well as the stabiliator to stop the nose-down pitching.4946580266235927217-536665570566755737?l=combathelo.blogspot.com





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