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Combat-Helo to use HTR technology for flight model




I'm happy to announce that Combat-Helo will incorporate Frederic Naar's HTR Helicopter Total Realism technology for advanced helicopter flight dynamics. (link: Hovercontrol forum, HTR section). Developed as an external physics model that interfaces with Microsoft Flight Simulator via Pete Dawson's FSUIPC, HTR is an impressive implementation of blade theory using door-stopper text-books that designers of helicopters use as source material.


Fred invited me over for a few days for a mutual show-and-tell and I got to see first hand how detailed the model is from the author, who better? First with the Bell 206, which had a tendency to side-slip to the right as weight comes off the skids, which left unchecked could potentially result in a fatal roll-over. Then I got a lecture on stabiliser wings and how vertical stabilisers depending on angle of airflow go from "sail area" to a wing generating lift. Blade flap and pitch is calculated per physics update, the amount of detail resulted in me experiencing a full frontal happy-attack.


After the Bell 206, Fred introduced me to an early Apache flight-model. I didn't find flying with a Microsoft Sidewinder easy, also I'm now used to flying with my joypad (I have shame). Stick in hand, trying desperately to keep the nose on a tree while slipping sideways to gauge the tail drag and weight, with limited success. Apache seemed to make all the right movements with changes to collective and airspeed. Even attempting the classic Apache hammerhead turn, HTR delivers sweat inducing concentration required for advanced helicopter flight. HTR also offers stabilisation and a most impressive auto-pilot function, checking boxes required for Combat-Helo's assisted flight mode. Trim seemed to be a non-issue except when the autopilot was flying to a stable-hover when the pilot was fighting excessive trim while attempting to slow down.


Given that HTR has to work within the limitations of Microsoft Flight Simulator, the implementation for Combat-Helo allows us to use even more parameters; feeding information about local terrain conditions for calculating updraughts, downdraughts , a detailed powertrain simulation as well as the ability to monitor rotor-behaviour via the nausea inducing blade-camera.


The flight-model should also be able to handle a load carrying CH-47, applying all the right moments of inertia. Pretty elegant stuff, a masterful use of OOP.


With Fred's addition we have completed the triad of physics, systems and technical art.


Finally I'd like to thank Frederic and family for their hospitality as well as the staff of Corte Dei Tusci hotel who were always friendly and manage to create the most amazing foods daily.4946580266235927217-6107012057798412187?l=combathelo.blogspot.com





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