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Can you tell what it is yet?




chinook_wip.jpgDave's been busy building the unsung hero of Afghanistan and other operations around the world.


Rolf: Can you tell what it is yet? ;-)


It's a non-flyable but will feature prominently in the game as you'll be tasked to provide armed escort for supply, insertion and extraction missions.


Much time has been spent correcting smoothing errors. Brilliant work. We'll be adding the same functionality to the rotors and rear door using LUA scripts. This morning we were looking at the various flavours of cockpit, of which there are many. Never the same cockpit twice. I thought the Apache tandem cockpit was complex. The amount of work required to make this a flyable is out of the question right now. It's a level of complexity rivalling the Apache and a candidate for future expansion.4946580266235927217-8410644242028129664?l=combathelo.blogspot.com





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Guest Red Ocktober


sure we can... it's the good ole ch-47...


droop those rotor blades a lil and it'll be perfect...




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Blades will be like the Apache when completed, boned, 10 animation frames with the entity LUA script blending frames according to rotorspeed. It doesn't take collective into account but it's enough.


LUA also lets us have animated doors, on the apache both the pilot and co-pilot canopy hatches smoothly swing up. That's about as much LUA as I'll allow, I don't really trust it beyond simple stuff.


These things in dry environments create their own duststorms, a CH47 crewman sent me some photos he took out of the back of one over Afghanistan of another Chinook on the ground delivering supplies. The cloud of dust it kicked up would cover a small town. Quite impressive.

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If you look carefully at the full size image just behind the cockpit, you can see the z-buffer error, the interior partition which is welded to the cockpit interior has shadows that bleed-through the skin of the model. Won't be noticeable when it's painted but it's fairly typical and by no means the worst example.

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