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Leadwerks Blog Post 06: Incoming Renders




As promised last week, it's finally time for a new blog update! Lots of new artwork has been created since the last update, but I'm going to start off by posting several large renders of the Zone project from a few weeks ago. These would make for great desktop backgrounds:


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The biggest focus of the last few weeks has been the design of the derelict Ukrainian military barracks. This building was based off of a real barracks in the Exclusion Zone. One of the new Leadwerks features that I implemented in this model is vertex color texture blending, which I used to blend brick and stucco textures for the exterior of the building. The blend shader is included with R4 of version 2.32, and I will be posting the .mat code for the blend texture at the end of this post. The newest version (2.2) of ArBuz's fantastic Leadwerks tools for 3ds Max includes support for vertex color, and I used his tool set to export this model. You can find it here:




Besides the building itself, I have created quite a few new props to populate the building. I'll start off with screenshots of the entire scene, and then I'll break down the props:


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Here are some of the new props that I created for this part of the project. From back to front: 3 cubed shelving units, gun rack A &B, 3 fuse box wall props, 3 variants of a military bed, old wall sink and radiator.


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I hope you enjoyed the images! Feel free to leave comments or suggestions, and I'll see you all in the next blog.

Here is the blended material .mat file that I used:







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Guest Red Ocktober




that's all i can say... AAA quality work...



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nice work, DaveLee.


1 thing I find kinda distracting is the rusted overhead lampshades ... perhaps

a smattering of degraded paint (that hints at the paint color of the ceiling)

would make them stand out a bit less. And the rust itself seems a bit too

bright and saturated. 2-cents, at least. ;)

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your outdoors are amazing me.. fantastic! AAA quality!

and about indoors, I think they are AA ;)


can I ask you what version of LE are you using?

or according to your good looking roads, can I ask you why my roads wont shut their specular off!!


PS. thanks about blending shader. I should spend some hours to play with it tomorrow! ;)

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or according to your good looking roads, can I ask you why my roads wont shut their specular off!!

Because I did those roads hehe. ;)

Its a simple texture with alphachannel based on the default road material. So don't know wheres the problem.


The screenshots are looking ace and its getting better each time! Thanks for the shader too.

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Thanks everyone! Making photo realistic landscapes and outdoor areas is quite easy with Michael's excellent vegetation and nature models. ;)


Good point with the rusted light, I'll redo their texture soon. I'm currently using version 2.32 R4 of Leadwerks.

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Because I did those roads hehe. ;)

Its a simple texture with alphachannel based on the default road material. So don't know wheres the problem.

thank you ;)

I think I could fill that problem by reducing light intensity to 0.8 :/

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Wow, I look at all this great stuff - and then start to feel quite jealous, since I can't even model a light bulb, let alone one of those energy saving ones...

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You make everything else look bad I mean bravo, inspirational ;)


I'm still not clear how this blend shader is supposed to work. It's blending another texture with bumpmap onto stage0 and stage1 using the models vertext colours as a blend factor?


And does that not affect the colour or intensity of the model? Or can you still still set the colour of a model?


I'm so confused now.

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You pretty much nailed it Flexman. I'm using a 2 color vertex color modifier in 3ds Max with black and white. White is the stucco, and black is the brick. I actually have a dummy "checkered" texture applied to the blended parts of my model named "barracksblend" in Max, and my barracksblend.mat file (posted in the blog) then defines which textures the vertex colors apply to the model in the engine.

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