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FPS Roguelike - First steps




My first baby steps will be:

  • A first set of prefabs for modular dungeon layout
    • Floor
    • Ceiling
    • Wall
    • Up stairwell
    • Down stairwell

    [*]Dynamically build the dungeon with Lua based on a hard-coded layout

    [*]Use stairs to move between levels


That's it for the first set of goals! Gotta keep it simple and doable. So far I've got floor, ceiling, and wall prefabs done and I'm starting to look into dynamically placing them with Lua. The textures and geometry are just whatever I could whip up easily and so they don't look great, but one thing at a time.

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I like this, I have been doing similar things with the generation of dungeons/levels. (but only the level layout generation related things)


My code broke though and I was having a hard time fixing it so I stepped back for a while to gather my thoughts to approach things a little differently.


Your project will be one that I keep my eyes on, I am intrigued by Roguelikes in general! I hope that you manage to pull this off :P

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Thanks for your interest, Patrick! I'll do my best to show you something worthy of it. ;-)


I figured out how to load prefabs dynamically with Lua this morning. Not much to figure out there, except the MINOR detail that positions in code are set in meters, not centimeters as I was used to from working in the editor. I thought my stuff wasn't loading at all, but really it was just so far away that I couldn't see it.


Luckily Genebris set me straight and now I can load my prefab walls, floors, and stuff wherever I want it. Next will be hardcoding a simple three-or-four-room dungeon and assembling it.


Unfortunately, I'm moving and will be super busy for the next few days. But I'll get back to coding as soon as possible!

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I highly doubt I'll get a response as this blog is from 2014 but I played coinbox clicker 1 and 2 like constantly as a kid and a while back found out the sequel was taken off the play store but now both games are gone, is there anyway I can contact you to find out what happened?

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