Class: World


This method updates timing, physics, and other systems. This should be called once per frame the main application loop.


Parameter Description
frequency number of updates per second
threads number of physics threads, or zero for automatic
iterations number of physics iterations, or zero for the exact solver
substeps number of physics sub-steps


The update frequency can be increased for greater precision, but this will require your game code to run at a greater frequency. The default setting of 60 hz allows your game code and physics to each execute in less than 16.7 milliseconds. A frequency of 90 hz requires your game code and physics calculations to both execute in less than 11.1 milliseconds.

By default, the physics engine will perform iterations until an exact solution is found. You can explicitly control the number of cycles with the iterations parameter. One is the fastest and least accurate, and greater numbers will be slower but more accurate.

By default, the engine will allocate a number of threads for physics calculations. You can control this number by supplying a value greater than zero in the threads parameter.

For greater precision, you can split physics updating up into multiple sub-steps by providing a value greater than one in the substeps parameter. This can be useful when very precise physics behavior is needed, but more substeps can cause slower performance.


--Get the displays
local displays = GetDisplays()

--Create a window
local window = CreateWindow("Ultra Engine", 0, 0, 1280, 720, displays[1], WINDOW_CENTER | WINDOW_TITLEBAR)

--Create a world
local world = CreateWorld()

--Create a framebuffer
local framebuffer = CreateFramebuffer(window)

--Create a camera
local camera = CreateCamera(world, PROJECTION_ORTHOGRAPHIC)

--Main loop
while window:Closed() == false and window:KeyDown(KEY_ESCAPE) == false do
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