Base class: Object, std::string



The String class provides an interface for manipulating ASCII text strings.

Property Type Description
String Constructor String(c: string)
String Constructor String(i: number)
String Constructor String(f: number)
String Constructor String(d: number)
Find Method performs a search operation
Left Method returns leftmost characters
GetSize Method returns the length of the string
Lower Method converts the string to lowercase
Mid Method returns the length of the string
Replace Method performs a search and replace operation
Right Method returns rightmost characters
Split Method segments the string
StartsWith Method compares the beginning of two strings
ToFloat Method converts the string to a floating point value
ToInt Method converts the string to an integer value
Trim Method removes whitespace characters from the ends of the string
Upper Method converts the string to uppercase
Xor Method performs an XOR operation
Uuid Function creates a unique universal identifier


-- Create a new String object with a string literal
local str1 = String("Hello, Lua!")

-- Create a new String object with an integer
local str2 = String(100)

-- Create a new String object with a floating point number
local str3 = String(3.14)

-- Perform a search operation on a string
local index = str1:Find("Lua")
print("Index:", index)

-- Get the leftmost characters of a string
local leftChars = str1:Left(5)
print("Left characters:", leftChars)

-- Get the length of a string
local size = str1:GetSize()
print("Size:", size)

-- Convert a string to lowercase
local lowerStr = str1:Lower()
print("Lowercase string:", lowerStr)

-- Perform a search and replace operation on a string
local replacedStr = str1:Replace("Lua", "World")
print("Replaced string:", replacedStr)

-- Get the rightmost characters of a string
local rightChars = str1:Right(5)
print("Right characters:", rightChars)

-- Segment a string
local segments = str1:Split(",")
print("Segments:", table.concat(segments, ", "))

-- Compare the beginning of two strings
local startsWith = str1:StartsWith("Hello")
print("Starts with 'Hello'?", startsWith)

-- Convert a string to a floating point value
local floatValue = str3:ToFloat()
print("Float value:", floatValue)

-- Convert a string to an integer value
local intValue = str2:ToInt()
print("Int value:", intValue)

-- Remove whitespace characters from the ends of a string
local trimmedStr = str1:Trim()
print("Trimmed string:", trimmedStr)

-- Convert a string to uppercase
local upperStr = str1:Upper()
print("Uppercase string:", upperStr)

-- Perform an XOR operation on two strings
local xorStr = str1:Xor("Hi")
print("XOR result:", xorStr)

-- Create a unique universal identifier
local uuid = Uuid()
print("UUID:", uuid)
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