Base class: Object



The mesh class is a collection of vertices and polygons that form visible surfaces.

Property Type Description
bounds Aabb read-only mesh bounding box
extra Object user-defined object
name string user-defined name
type number read-only mesh primitive type
AddPrimitive Method adds a new polygon to the mesh
AddVertex Method adds a new vertex to the mesh
Copy Method makes a copy of the mesh
CountPrimitives Method returns the number of mesh primitives
CountVertices Method returns the number of mesh vertices
GetPrimitiveAttributes Method gets attributes of a single primitive
GetRenderLayers Method gets the mesh render layers
GetSkinned Method gets the mesh render layers
GetVertexColor Method gets the color of a vertex
GetVertexPosition Method gets the position of a vertex
GetVertexNormal Method gets the normal of a vertex
GetVertexTexCoords Method gets the texture coordinates of a vertex
Modify Method batch modify vertices and indices
Recenter Method recenters a mesh along one or more axes
Rotate Method rotates a mesh
Scale Method scales a mesh
SetMaterial Method sets the mesh material
SetRenderLayers Method sets the mesh render layers
SetSkinned Method enables or disables mesh skinning
SetVertexColor Method sets the position of a vertex
SetVertexPosition Method sets the position of a vertex
SetVertexNormal Method sets the normal of a vertex
SetVertexTexCoords Method sets the texture coordinates of one vertex
Transform Method transforms a mesh
Translate Method translates a mesh
UpdateBounds Method updates the mesh bounding box
UpdateNormals Method calculates new mesh normals
UpdateTangents Method updates the mesh tangents
CreateMesh Function creates a new mesh object
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