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MyGUI and Leadwerks


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Original post is here ( http://www.ogre3d.org/addonforums/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=13968 ), maybe someone from this forum had already tried to use MyGUI with LE and faced the same problem:


Have 2 questions:

1) when i'm trying to render something (single button or simple example), i got this:


Is it familiar to you? What can be the reason?


2) i catch exception when shuting down MyGui.

Call stack:

> Test_d.exe!MyGUI::OpenGLVertexBuffer::create() Line 100 + 0x12d bytes C++

Test_d.exe!MyGUI::OpenGLVertexBuffer::setVertexCount(unsigned int _count=384) Line 40 C++

MyGUIEngine_d.dll!MyGUI::RenderItem::removeDrawItem(MyGUI::ISubWidget * _item=0x08bcd5b0) Line 123 + 0x1c bytes C++

MyGUIEngine_d.dll!MyGUI::EditText::destroyDrawItem() Line 386 C++

MyGUIEngine_d.dll!MyGUI::LayerItem::detachFromLayerItemNode(bool _deep=true) Line 203 + 0x25 bytes C++

MyGUIEngine_d.dll!MyGUI::LayerItem::detachFromLayerItemNode(bool _deep=true) Line 180 + 0x14 bytes C++

MyGUIEngine_d.dll!MyGUI::LayerItem::detachFromLayerItemNode(bool _deep=true) Line 180 + 0x14 bytes C++

MyGUIEngine_d.dll!MyGUI::LayerItem::detachFromLayer() Line 138 C++

MyGUIEngine_d.dll!MyGUI::LayerManager::detachFromLayer(MyGUI::Widget * _item=0x08bc9b38) Line 161 + 0x19 bytes C++

MyGUIEngine_d.dll!MyGUI::LayerManager::_unlinkWidget(MyGUI::Widget * _widget=0x08bc9b38) Line 132 C++

MyGUIEngine_d.dll!MyGUI::WidgetManager::unlinkFromUnlinkers(MyGUI::Widget * _widget=0x08bc9b38) Line 170 + 0x20 bytes C++

MyGUIEngine_d.dll!MyGUI::Gui::_destroyAllChildWidget() Line 258 C++

MyGUIEngine_d.dll!MyGUI::Gui::shutdown() Line 154 C++

Test_d.exe!MyGuiManager::~MyGuiManager() Line 61 + 0xe bytes C++

Test_d.exe!`Singleton<MyGuiManager>::getInstance'::`2'::`dynamic atexit destructor for '_instance''() + 0x28 bytes C++

msvcr90d.dll!doexit(int code=0, int quick=0, int retcaller=0) Line 591 C

msvcr90d.dll!exit(int code=0) Line 412 + 0xd bytes C

Test_d.exe!__tmainCRTStartup() Line 599 C

Test_d.exe!mainCRTStartup() Line 403 C


[Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing, no symbols loaded for kernel32.dll]




1) i got something like that on my laptop even when i was trying to launch your examples. When i tried them on computer, examples works fine, but when i tried to launch mygui in my engine, this happens again.


Constructor is:

Gdiplus::GdiplusStartupInput m_gdiplusStartupInput;
Gdiplus::GdiplusStartup(&m_pGdiToken, &m_gdiplusStartupInput, NULL);

mPlatform = new MyGUI::OpenGLPlatform();
mPlatform->getDataManagerPtr()->addResourceLocation("..//Assets//MyGUI_Media", false);

mGUI = new MyGUI::Gui();

mInfo = new diagnostic::StatisticInfo();
mFocusInfo = new diagnostic::InputFocusInfo();

MyGUI::ButtonPtr button = mGUI->createWidget<MyGUI::Button>(
	"Button", 10, 10, 300, 26, MyGUI::Align::Center, "Main");

So i hope to see a simple button, not a halfly-blurred screen.



Text of exception:

Test_d.exe has triggered a breakpoint


It happens here:

if (mSizeInBytes != (size_t)bufferSize)
		MYGUI_PLATFORM_EXCEPT("Data size is mismatch with input array");


Line 100



//because you are trying to shut down MyGUI after render or in the middle of render process.

Quite strange.

the main structure is like this:


while(!AppTerminate() && !_isQuit) 

So it shouldn't want to destruct while rendering.


Destructor is:

delete mGUI;
mGUI = 0;   

delete mPlatform;
mPlatform = 0;



Update function is:

void MyGuiManager::Render()
if (mPlatform)

Working on LeaFAQ :)

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You may have to change the OpenGL states to fit the needs of MyGui.


try something like this:

leglBegin(GetLayerCamera(background), cameraZoom);
leglEnd(true); // End and specify that we used 3D projection



// Includes, libs
#pragma comment(lib,"opengl32.lib")
#pragma comment(lib,"glu32.lib")

#include "engine.h"
#include <gl/gl.h>  // Standard opengl include.
#include <gl/glu.h> // GLU include.

// Constants
enum CullMode 
   CULL_NONE,      // Both sides of faces are drawn.
   CULL_DRAW_CCW,  // Only faces defined by vertices declared in ccw order will be drawn (default).
   CULL_DRAW_CW    // Same as above but cw.

// Commands (declarations)
void leglBegin      (TCamera camera = NULL, float zoom = 1.0f, CullMode cm = CULL_DRAW_CCW);
void leglEnd        (bool was3D = false);
void leglBindTexture(TTexture texture);

// Implementations (definitions)

// Use NULL for the camera to set up 2D drawing instead of 3D.
// The "zoom" parameter is only required because there's no GetCameraZoom() function.
void leglBegin(TCamera camera, float zoom, CullMode cm)
   // Setup projetion according to argument
   if (NULL != camera)
       // Save current projection matrix. Then reset
       glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glPushMatrix(); 

       // Calculate the view frustum
       float nearRange, farRange; GetCameraRange(camera, nearRange, farRange);
       float theta = 1.0f / zoom; // tan(45°) = 1.0f
       float aspect = float(BufferWidth(CurrentBuffer()))/BufferHeight(CurrentBuffer());
       glFrustum (-nearRange*theta, nearRange*theta, -nearRange/aspect*theta, nearRange/aspect*theta, nearRange,farRange);

       // Reset transformation
       glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glPushMatrix();

       // LE uses a differently handed coordinate system than ogl does
       glScalef(1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f); 

       // Calculate the LookAt vectors (camera direction and up vector)...
       TVec3 from = EntityPosition(camera, true);
       TVec3 to = {0,0,-1}; to = TFormVector(to, camera, NULL); to += from;

       TVec3 up = {0,1,0}; up = TFormVector(up, camera, NULL);

       // Set LookAt 
       gluLookAt(from.X, from.Y, from.Z, to.X, to.Y , to.Z, up.X, up.Y, up.Z);
       // Set orthographic projection (used for 2D drawing)
       // Get the current viewport/buffer size.
       int vPort[4]; glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, vPort); 

       // Set the projection
       gluOrtho2D(0, vPort[2], vPort[3], 0); // like glOrtho(0, vPort[2], vPort[3], 0, -1, 1); 

       // Reset transformation
       glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glPushMatrix();

   // Setup default drawing settings.
   // Alpha blending.

   // Backface culling.
   if (CULL_NONE != cm)glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE); 
   if (NULL != camera)glCullFace((CULL_DRAW_CCW == cm) ? GL_BACK : GL_FRONT);
   else glCullFace((CULL_DRAW_CCW == cm) ? GL_FRONT : GL_BACK);

   // Depth test for 3D projection
   if (NULL != camera)glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);

   // Drawing color.
   glColor4f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);

// Use NULL (0) for the texture to reset (bind no texture)
void leglBindTexture(TTexture texture)
   if(NULL != texture)
       BindTexture(texture, 0); // LE command.
       glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, NULL);

// End drawing. Set "was3D" to true if you specified a camera at leglBegin (= used 3D projection).
void leglEnd(bool was3D)
   // Undo changes only made in 3D mode (camera != NULL)
   if (was3D) 
       glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glPopMatrix();

   // Reset transformation.
   glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glPopMatrix();

   // Undo changed settings.
   glCullFace(GL_BACK); glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE);
   glColor4f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);

  • Intel® Core™ i7-8550U @ 1.80 Ghz 
  • 16GB RAM 
  • INTEL UHD Graphics 620
  • Windows 10 Pro 64-Bit-Version
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Wow, you had almost saved my day! :)

Extremelly simple and well-commented code.


Okay, now i have clear picture without gray blooring (but without button: for now i used "leglBegin(NULL); *** leglEnd(false);")

But i still handle exception

if (mSizeInBytes != (size_t)bufferSize)
		MYGUI_PLATFORM_EXCEPT("Data size is mismatch with input array");


Edited: i think, i need to do something in constructor, as

const MyGUI::IntSize& siz = mPlatform->getRenderManagerPtr()->getViewSize();

returns 0,0 to me


Edited2: yeaah ;)

I added


to the constructor and now i can see text now xD

now, i need to enable textures and fix crash in destructor



and what is leglBindTexture() for?



Looking like i'm closer and closer: just need to debug void OpenGLRenderManager::drawOneFrame() and compare my and working version

Working on LeaFAQ :)

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