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Everything posted by Flexman

  1. Really it shouldn't run slow at all, especially on those tabs, not for what it's doing. I'm still interested to see them all running side by side. Hope to see it soon.
  2. Speaking generically, performance testing comes a bit later after a code base has settled down. Then optimization. It's harder to justify time spent on optimizing code when you're still working on it. I wish I had access to a decent performance HUD. Anyone got suggestions?
  3. Flexman

    Launch Day

    Zardoz is pleased!
  4. To be fair, it runs OK on this Intel graphics machine I've been using it on. But I'm having difficulty with the usability. Couple of bugs found already but trivial. First impression is that it's a huge step up from Leadwerks 2.0 editor (apart from the lighting and terrain etc). LUA debugging is great and could use few little extras to aid work on non-trivial projects (real games, not short demos). Script Editor is always on top, toggle please or little widget. It's clunky. LE2.5 animation blending by code is clunky. There's a disconnect here between art asset and what's required to work with it. If you don't have information about frames or bones, this is a total pita still. Coders don't make animations, yet required to implement them, disconnect = arse to work with. There's still a lot of boilerplate code when you add objects, however I am sure this is just down to unfamiliarity and lack of examples of various types of objects. On the whole, not bad. It still feels like a $200 engine for what you get. And I want to see the same game project running at the same time on different platforms. I appreciate the opportunity to try it out and it does look quite promising as a mobile game development platform.
  5. I used to pay regular maintenance fees for BLIDE, I had no problem with that. When your time tuns out, pay a small fee to continue to download updates. It was more continuity insurance.
  6. And the bottom of the web page, on the right, the toolbar thingy.
  7. Can we import geometry used for "Brushes"? In the editor?
  8. Ah yes, XFORM reset. Yup, remembered we had to do that pretty much on every export.
  9. Can't see the screenshot for some reason?
  10. It sounds like...(I might be misunderstanding) you want to update a texture of an entity in your scene with the content of some buffer, onto which you can draw with whatever you want. This is actually pretty easy to do in Leadwerks. You might want to look into Buffers and binding textures. Someone can probably post an example of this for guidance. You could do worse than take a look at the Theora video plugin in the Asset store. It's a bit technical but it attaches a Theora video buffer to a surface in a LUA entity.
  11. I don't often say this, but what a ****. Just shut up and make something.
  12. IS OUYA Tuio compatible (http://www.tuio.org/)?
  13. A book on LE programming would likely cover general principles of putting a project together using mostly language agnostic techniques but specific LE3 implementation. I'm sure it will happen when the release has matured a bit. I only mention it as it was something I wanted to do a little while after my current book is released (any time now). But there's a lot of cool contributors out there and big questions over LE3, how well it will work in the wild and the roadmap. I'm pretty sure you can take many mobile projects and give them the LE3 treatment, seems it's not going to be that big a departure from how LE2 worked on the outside. I already got an RPAG project (rapidly playable adventure game) lined up to test how well LE3 and programmer can implement a cross platform project. I already wrote it for Unity and AGK so it's a known quantity. Should fill in about 150 easily, 200 pages if one wanted to cover a lot of ground but that's would be a harder sell to a publisher.
  14. I think the point is,it's not the engine 'faking' so much as the talent and technical skills using assets in a way to create lush visuals to fool the eye. The black art of visual game development. Some of these guys keep their secrets close to their chest. Sometime the engine adds a button to do it, "Generate lightmaps" in Unity comes to mind. One-click scene improvement. And now everyone and their dog are doing stuff like baked ambient occlusion to create extra depth.
  15. Flexman

    Unit Testing

    Zardoz is pleased!
  16. I've certainly had my fair share of performance issues with LE2. But experience proved (and a big thanks to my pal DaveH for putting in many hours of experimentation) that you need to be strategic with how you use the engine. In that sense it's no different from many other engines. By default most scenes, even near empty ones will chew the hell out of the fill rate because of all the buffers for the different worlds it's creating and updating in the framework. It's all too easy to use models that suck the performance out. Create minimal physics hull shapes. Tweak the LOD ranges and don't have shadows active on everything. Also improper use of shaders in materials, using texture channels that are not initialised, so on and so on. Spraying grass and trees everywhere isn't going to win any performance awards. If you look at vegetation coverage in some games, take Apache Air Assault for example, bushes and grass can share the same scale as a house. Games cheat like crazy for performance, performance testing during development is designed to focus on that, it's not something your average tinker developer will think about much unless they have to. For what you get with Leadwerks 2, it's pretty OK for bangs per buck but you have to work at it to tweak performance. Some of the stuff we did just for the helicopter cockpit in our game required *several* re-organisations of the model hierarchy so that it worked in favour of how the engine culled objects. This is what games do.
  17. Cheers, got it working now. All I need now is a work free weekend to exploit the cool possibilities your extensions have opened up. Thanks .
  18. It could be time for a remake of BMX Ninja
  19. Flexman

    It's Friday

    Final point to add at the bottom, "clean white board". At work I'm very efficient, I just have one PostIT note stuck to my copyholder that reads, "Remember to do stuff". (It's more place-holder than anything).
  20. Would this have included Sub-Space? :-) As for the original posters query. Many useful answers, I'll just add to this the following... You can have multiple "Worlds" (TWorld objects) and switch between them as you switch between the different play modes, Or use one and swap all the necessary settings as required. I'd be tempted to go for multiple words because later it's possible to have your space station interior with windows that look out into the space world (that takes some fiddling with the scene renderer but I've done "portalisation" with Leadwerks 2.x).. So many different ways you can achieve what you want. The sky sphere would work well too. Although if it was a skybox you can do advanced things like render a cubemap to it The source could be another TWorld populated by tiny nebulae and galaxies, then when you warp to a new sector you can slowly move the camera in the "nebulae" world and use the camera to update the local player skybox. This is mixing scales to layer a scene. Someone posted a CreateCubemap function somewhere a while back that takes views from a camera and rendered it to six buffers that can be painted onto each side of a box. So many cool things you can do with a bit of work. Hope that's not too much info. It's hard to explain clearly without a set if diagrams.
  21. How up to date is the ENGINE.BMX for making the DLL? Is it required for fixes made to the TEntity hierarchy?
  22. Really good. Like it lots. Understated, perfect for a game level.
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