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Everything posted by mekans

  1. Hi there, I've got custom widget, and i would like to find how to scroll down the data in it. Let's get for example the topic you already helped me with, if i get huge amount of the data in this table, how would i scroll down this custom widget? I've discovered MouseWheel(const int delta, const int x, const int y), and i know the slider exists, but i got problem with my custom widget. Thanks for any help
  2. I am using X emulation Right now i do not have access to my vm server - so i can't help you with debugging. After 10.07 i am going to check wayland
  3. I Guess it's a real problem with UAK in terms of some widgets, Ultra Engine should be tested on Linux distros X11/Wayland on most popular window managers like i3 bspwm and on GNOME/KDE/XFCE and others. If i find problems like that, i am going to report that in the future. for now i created poor version of custom menu #include "UltraEngine.h" using namespace UltraEngine; //Declare new style constants enum CustomMenuStyle { CUSTOM_MENU_DEFAULT = 0 }; //Declare new widget class class CustomMenuWidget : public Widget { //Custom members bool hover; shared_ptr<Panel> contextMenu; shared_ptr<Widget> editButton; shared_ptr<Widget> removeButton; protected: virtual bool Initialize(const WString& text, const int x, const int y, const int width, const int height, shared_ptr<Widget> parent, const int style) { bool isInit = Widget::Initialize(text, x, y, width, height, parent, 0); contextMenu = CreatePanel(x, y+25, 100, 40, gui->root); contextMenu->Hide(); editButton = CreateButton("Edit", 0, 0, 100, 20, contextMenu, BUTTON_TOOLBAR);//just for an example, no function removeButton = CreateButton("Remove", 0, 20, 100, 20, contextMenu, BUTTON_TOOLBAR); ListenEvent(EVENT_WIDGETACTION, editButton, EditbuttonCallback, Self()->As<CustomMenuWidget>()); ListenEvent(EVENT_WIDGETACTION, removeButton, RemoveButtonCallback, Self()->As<CustomMenuWidget>()); return isInit; } static bool EditbuttonCallback(const Event& ev, shared_ptr<Object> extra) { auto listView = extra->As<CustomMenuWidget>(); listView->contextMenu->Hide(); Print("edit button run"); return true; } static bool RemoveButtonCallback(const Event& ev, shared_ptr<Object> extra) { auto listView = extra->As<CustomMenuWidget>(); listView->contextMenu->Hide(); Print("remove button run"); return true; } //Called when the mouse moves if this widget has the focus virtual void MouseMove(const int x, const int y) {} //Called when the mouse cursor enters the widget bounds virtual void MouseEnter(const int x, const int y) { hover = true; Redraw(); } //Called when the mouse cursor leaves the widget bounds virtual void MouseLeave(const int x, const int y) { hover = false; Redraw(); } //Called when the mouse button is pressed virtual void MouseDown(const MouseButton button, const int x, const int y) { if (button == MOUSE_LEFT) { if(contextMenu->hidestate) { contextMenu->Show(); } else { contextMenu->Hide(); } } } //Called when the mouse button is released virtual void MouseUp(const MouseButton button, const int x, const int y) {} //Called when another widget becomes selected virtual void LoseFocus() {} //Called when mouse double-click occurs virtual void DoubleClick(const MouseButton button, const int x, const int y) {} //Called when mouse triple-click occurs virtual void TripleClick(const MouseButton button, const int x, const int y) {} //Called when widget is selected virtual void GainFocus() {} //Called when key is pressed virtual void KeyDown(const UltraEngine::KeyCode key) {} //Called when key is released virtual void KeyUp(const UltraEngine::KeyCode key) {} //Called for each keydown event virtual void KeyChar(const int keychar) {} //Called when mouse wheel turns and mouse is hovered over this widget virtual void MouseWheel(const int delta, const int x, const int y) {} //Called each time the widget is redrawn virtual void Draw(const int x, const int y, const int width, const int height) { blocks.clear(); Vec4 color = Vec4(0.255f, 0.10f, 0.10f, 1); if (hover) color = Vec4(0.255f, 0.255f, 0.255f, 1); //Background rectangle AddBlock(iVec2(0), this->size, color); //Foreground text AddBlock(text, iVec2(0), this->size, Vec4(1), TEXT_CENTER | TEXT_MIDDLE); } public: //Constructor CustomMenuWidget() : hover(false) {} friend shared_ptr<Widget> CreateCustomMenuWidget(const WString&, const int, const int, const int, const int, shared_ptr<Widget>, const CustomMenuStyle); }; //Create function shared_ptr<Widget> CreateCustomMenuWidget(const WString& text, const int x, const int y, const int width, const int height, shared_ptr<Widget> parent, const CustomMenuStyle style) { auto widget = std::make_shared<CustomMenuWidget>(); widget->Initialize(text, x, y, width, height, parent, style); return widget; } Thank you @Josh and @Dreikblack for supporting me before, i know my posts were annoying but i finally understand how widgets are created.
  4. Installed KDE + compiled from makefile. Result is like the visualisation i showed earlier Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_sSI_ippVHSaDGNdUn6HCGmzALuC_L7v/view?usp=sharing
  5. I am wondering, mby it's fault of the libraries i set in the cmake set(FLAGS -I/usr/include/freetype2 -I/usr/include/fontconfig -D_ULTRA_APPKIT -I${ULTRAENGINEPATH}/Include) set(LFLAGS -no-pie -lX11 -lpthread -lXft -lXext -lXrender -lXcursor -ldl) i've installed newest versions of the packages: libxft-dev libxrender-dev libxcursor-dev libxmu-dev, going to check if i can include something more from UAK packages, and if i can i ll send the results of that
  6. It's CLion by jetbrains in terms of the application - going to check on ubuntu - gnome (KDE debian works like visualisation on the image). I don't have got access to ultra engine but if in ultra engine it will work properly i ll consider buying that
  7. sure, i don't have got my KDE desktop (traveling a lot lately) but on my i3 is disapearing (i saw a glimpse of menu that disapeared) while clicking button: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AiE0DdFlrYV91mjQsMEOB-EQTWt-oiTt/view KDE though i can't show you right now but there's a visualisation (when i ll be back home i am going to show screenshot of that)
  8. does this problem is solved in the ultra engine?
  9. Using the basic MenuWidget from the learn section, i found out that menu widget do not work - i am using i3wm desktop (no effect after clicking), on KDE though i got menu opened in different place on screen, any solution?
  10. I bought UAK and to get this function i need to buy another framework? Just need to create gui for desktop apps not games
  11. what about context menu? can this be done?
  12. Exacly what i wanted! I am missing only context menu and also scrollbar, could you help in therms of that topic too?
  13. i adjusted this solution in some way, but i need now table like listview in c#. It should be columns, headers and rows that could be selected. in a picture we can see that Cell0,0 1.0 and 2.0 are separate cells with data - i need them as a full row that are related to one object and displaying this object data. Tbh i tried to build a custom widget with rows and other stuff but it's too hard for me
  14. It works! Thank you, this source helped me to understand how it's created
  15. Hi there, How to create table in ultra app kit? I mean table with headers, columns and also selection highlight and hover highlight? From "/learn" i think that i need to create it from CustomWidget, but for newbie like me it's hard. Anyone help?
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