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Everything posted by tumira

  1. Happens to me too. Object already deleted when trying to open another map and Exception violation when trying to create new map.
  2. @rick. I think there is quite a lot of fps games is saving this syle. Example halflife1 and 2, farcry series, quake series. Not sure about farcry3 and 4. Doom1,2 i think even doom3. Doom 4 is actually using checkpoint style. I guess leadwerk engine is suitable for checkpoint syle?
  3. Now im confused. Is there a way to grab the current entity animation frameNo or not with the new playanimation command?
  4. That frameNo15 is just example. In realtime how would you know which animation frameNo is playing ? We can save the state "attacking" by saving the state value but we could not know at which frameno it is playing to save.
  5. @Josh How do we make the entity continue playing the animation when it is loaded back or even save the animation frame? Example the crawler is playing attack animation at frameno 15 when it is saved. How do we get the frameNo for saving?
  6. Since we have SetAnimationFrame for entity, can we have GetAnimationFrame also ? This is for saving and loading. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/15738-saving-tables-and-variables/ Another questions is, is it possible to retrieve uniqueID for an entity ?
  7. @Genebris, Thank you for your reply. I think the unique Id for the crawler right now is their positions ?But if leadwerks is also exposing the unique id for the entity is better I think. Regarding the GetAnimationFrame, yeah its been bothering me for quite some time. Thanks again.
  8. Whoa a lot of information. Awesome!. May I ask how to 1)Get entity unique id ? If I have 10 crawlers how do we know which is which when saving and loading ? 2)How to get the animation state of a crawler and make it continue playing that animation after loaded. Example the crawler is playing attack animation and at the frame no15 , when loaded it back it should continue playing attack animation at frame no15.
  9. Where is this shader "drawing_minimap.shader" ? Please forgive my noobiness.
  10. Please bring back the performance update from the first 4.3beta if possible. I kinda miss shooting 15 zombies or 25 crawlers at a time with 60fps speed.
  11. @macklebee that is the reason I said better be careful. The license are not really clear. Anyway, the good news is, if you own Gameguru, tgc just released most of the packs in the the latest Gamepack expansion dlc as free. So you can use that with leadwerks or other game engines.
  12. Okay. Didnt found my thread. But https://forum.game-guru.com/thread/212411 One mod say no problem. Another one stated only tgc models are completely free and can be use with other game engines. Other packs need to be confirmed with the artist. (That free packs consists from tgc and third party) This is how I always understand the terms. Any product from tgc will always be completely free and can be use with other game engines, while others need permission from the artists even if you bought it from their store. Another is here from steam http://steamcommunity.com/app/266310/discussions/0/405693392905605272/?ctp=6 This is from Lee at steams " Lee Bamber..@Teabone: I have only sought permission from the artists to open source their FPS Creator Classic Model Packs as is, so you are correct to seek permission from third party artists before converting and redistributing them for use in GameGuru. That said, TGC owned a lot of the packs and I hereby grant permission to convert all TGC owned FPSC model packs and distribute them for free on the forums (though not through the asset store or through some paid-for collection). I add my thanks to that of the community for grinding through the conversions! "
  13. Let me check back on the forum. I did asked them last year .
  14. Better be careful. I asked lee from tgc and he said that the artists only agrees to release it for gameguru only. They are not sure if other game engine can use it or not.
  15. tumira

    Leadwerks 4.3 RC3

    So for newly created flat terrain, I need to 1)increase the height by using sculpt tool for the whole terrain. 2)Flat the whole terrain again using the flatten tool 3)Change to sculpt tool back and press CTRL+mouse to carve a lake This is the correct way to make a lake for newly created terrain without heightmap ?
  16. tumira

    Leadwerks 4.3 RC3

    Quick question. I cant carve a lake in my newly created flat terrain(CTRL+mouse). I can only carve or make a lake to the terrain when I have imported heightmap ? Is this by design ?
  17. tumira

    Leadwerks 4.3 RC3

    I know. But it sure is a really big hit. When I extended the Scifi engine level map a bit. Make it a really long corridor and added few point lights (static shadow). The frame rate is only 60fps for MSAA4 and 100fps for MSAA2. This is no AI, no post processing effects. I will play around with the point light and see.
  18. tumira

    Leadwerks 4.3 RC3

    GTX970 I7 2600K Lighting is set to 2 1920x1080 fullscreen On the engine level map MSAA off =300+ fps MSAA2=200fps MSAA4=100fps I
  19. tumira

    Leadwerks 4.3 RC3

    Does the MSAA always take a lot of performance hit ? On one of my scene, MSAA4=50fps but MSAA2=100fps On the SCIFI DLC at the engine level map MSAA4=100fps, MSAA2=200fps
  20. tumira

    Leadwerks 4.3 RC2

    Performance is slower compare to the first 4.3beta. The first 4.3beta I can put 25 crawler and let all of them chase me and the performance is still 60fps. Now it slows down to 40fps. With zombies it slows down to 20fps. Did you revert the performance optimization from previous build ? I think the first 4.3beta is the best performance compare to newer version.
  21. Another solution 1)Downgrade to 4.2 2)Update all project to 4.2 3)Upgrade leadwerks to current new beta 4)Update the project to latest 4.3RC
  22. Created new project does not have any problem for opening the map. But updated projects have the error "Error : File version 4.2 not supported" when you try to open the map.
  23. Yup. I thought it was SSR until i read about the other post that it actually HDR + any post processing effect causes the bug.
  24. Someone else is having this bug also and yes this bug is also from 4.2. Since it is still not fixed, I thought I should report this bug again for 4.3 http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/15473-hdr-bug-in-leadwerks-42/ *actually if you add any post processing effect will cause this bug. Turning off HDR in settings will make it disappear like the post above.
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