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  1. aiaf's post in Pick info entity issue question was marked as the answer   
    I found a workaround,
    i use TOOLS -> Collapse in the editor and now the pick and keys are ok.
  2. aiaf's post in Getting the desktop resolution was marked as the answer   
    I get it, selecting the last resolution from GetGraphicsMode works.
    On my side i get a 2560x1440 fullscreen.
    Thanks , this basically answers my question.
  3. aiaf's post in world->Update() Crash was marked as the answer   
    Running under debugger something helps identify problems.
    But the ultimate tool for this is in the linux land its valgrind detects memory leaks and other kind of memory stuff.
    To tell the true there are for windows also Dr Memory(free but never used it) and purify (this one is expensive).
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