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Files posted by reepblue

  1. Developer Materials

    This package includes development textures and materials in various colors. 
    This restores grid01, grid02, wall01 and wall02 that were cut from 0.9.8 without the normal map. All these materials use the Lambertian shader so that they always remain and flat basic.  Standard measurements for door, window and stair sizes are also included.


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  2. ArmorPaint Export Preset for Ultra Engine

    This export preset is for easily exporting materials painted using ArmorPaint for Ultra Engine. The diffuse color, normal will be exported and the ORM texture will have the masks in the correct channel.
    The only thing this doesn't support is emission textures.
    To install, place the ultra.json file in your data\export_presets directory of your ArmorPaint installation. If you're running ArmorPaint on macOS, you'll need to open the ArmorPaint application as a folder and insert the file within that. (Importing presets on macOS crashes the application.)


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  3. Component Preprocessor

    The new Preprocessor for the Ultra Engine entity component system. This will remove the need to ever edit ComponentSystem.h ever again to register new components for C++ projects. 
    Install the executable to the Tools folder of your Ultra Engine installation. Then simply call the Executable in your Pre-Build Event and the tool will generate a RegisterComponents.h file within your Source directory. This assumes you are making one component per file and the name of the class matches the header file. A blank JSON file for the editor will be generated if none exists. 
    By default, this assumes it's in the same location as your solution. To set the working directory, use *+project* to set the location.
    "%ULTRAENGINE%\Tools\Preprocessor.exe" +project "path/to/project"


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  4. The "None" Language Template

    This folder will allow you to create new projects without a need of choosing a language. This is useful for art projects, 
    You can also edit the "language" keyvalue of your project's Ultra.json file to "None" from the previous language being used. This will allow you to still update your project to get the latest shaders without pulling any template source code. This is great for existing projects or projects that use multiple languages. 
    Install the "None" folder to your %ULTRAENGINE%/Templates/Languages path.


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  5. Visual Studio Item Template: Components

    This item template for Visual Studio will make it easier to add a new component to your project. 
    Place the zip file (Don't extract) to: USER\Documents\Visual Studio 2022\Templates\ItemTemplates\Visual C++ and restart Visual Studio.


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  6. Visual Studio Item Template: Objects

    This item template for Visual Studio will make it easier to add a new object to your project. 
    Place the zip file (Don't extract) to: USER\Documents\Visual Studio 2022\Templates\ItemTemplates\Visual C++ and restart Visual Studio.


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