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Mages Alchemy




Hi all,

I'd like to introduce the game I've been working on since I purchased Leadwerks and am very happy with the results in the short time span. I have been working on games for as long as I can remember, however this is the title that I'm actually going to finish. This has turned out to be quite a long blog entry. I hope you enjoy....



The Title

The title of the game was always going to be a stand in name, however over time I have grown accustomed to it and it may stay.


The Concept

The concept of this game is primarily a learning game in particular addition subtraction and multiplication. I'm sure games like this have been done before, so I am taking what I hope to be a different approach. I want the user to feel like they are playing more of a normal game by creating an immersive and magical world. With that fact I hope to make the user feel like they are not learning when in fact they are and are anticipating the next challenge.


The initial design incorporated a vast world with quite a detailed storyline to match. This being an overwhelming task for 1 developer forced me to trim back features and then trim back some more until I was left with more or less a skeleton of what I originally planned. In doing this it has made the learning side of things much more visible.


The End User

I am a little worried about my target audience for this game. The target audience is for students (not limited to) around the middle primary years. I am hoping that parents like me who see games as a great way to learn and would use this game to supplement the students learning in a fun way. The biggest risk is that the users will not have the required hardware to run this game. Are there may parents out there with gaming machines for there kids to use???


On a personal note I recently had my son (12 months) in front of the game as I was just running the character around, testing some elements and he was glued to the screen and laughing with excitement. This has given me hope that I am on to something here!!! Wow that really made my day.


I intend to expand on the features once the initial game is done and add more game play elements that I really and create the game this intended to be. This will hopefully make the follow up game more manageable and help sow a seed for it.


The Engine

I have tested and tried many different game engines and this seems to be the best combination of ease and features that I can find. I have tested Shiva, Unity, Gamestart, and C4.



I am setting a tentative release time frame for around late Jan/Feb 2013 but hopefully sooner. I do not plan to charge any $ for the game however this may change. Regardless if I do, the amount will very minimal. A possibility is to maybe limited to the first limited number registers are free or something like that.


Due to restrictions with the Leadwerks engine I can only release this on the Windows platform, but will port as soon as LE3D becomes available. The no terrain thing will impact heavily on this project as it relies heavily on it, but I'll have to wait and see. I would love to see this on a mobile device it would be perfect for it.


The Game



The game is like a 2D side scroller that can turn corners and is not just limited to just left right. I think its called a rail camera, well I'm going to call it that anyway. The camera follows the player and transitions between camera nodes in the world and is always facing the direction of the player. The tricky part was how the player controls work in relation to this as if you walk to the opposite direction of the camera you can find your inputs reversed (with fixed up/down/left/right). The way I solved this is that the up movement is always the direction of the camera, it really makes for an easily controlled character however you do need to course correct as the camera moves which is hardly noticeable, but feels natural.



Throughout the game you encounter obstacles which block your path. These can be in the form of drawbridges, gates etc. These obstacles can be removed but only by using the magic of math! A successful round will see the obstacle removed and you can proceed to the task and eventually complete the level.


The Math

The game focuses on add, subtract and multiply at this point in time. The math has different levels of difficulty to suit a more larger audience. Initially the game was designed for grade 3-7, however this is not 100% decided as game content and difficulty may not suit years that low. I plan to add divide and number sequences at a later date.



The levels will range from forests, castle's and dungeons. I am hoping to produce around 10 levels for the initial release. A forrest level and a castle level are in the works, most of the other levels will be variations. Once a level has been completed there is no stopping you from re-playing the level. You may need to as you need to collect enough coins or an item to continue.



I created my own GUI interface code, purely from using LE functions. The interface includes windows, buttons, image buttons, checkbox, radio buttons, borders, images, listbox, label and text boxes. These are used extensively in the game however, the entire GUI appearance need a lot of work and I am forever optimising this GUI system. I'm currently experimenting with colours.



As the player completes math tasks in the game your stats will be saved to your profile for later reporting. The stats are saved to a sqlite database due to it's ease of installation. I don't want the users having difficulty installing something like mysql and then just giving up. MySQL functionality will be added later so that can be installed on a server and the game connects to the database to accommodate many users and to keep data safe . Connecting to a database hosted by me is also an option I'm considering, but it really depends on how big or not this project gets.



Currently I have abandoned my website and am looking at starting from scratch. New company name new website and new host. I am in the process of creating an entire world (on paper) and publishing it on-line so you can go into the website and read up on the game world's lore.





  • Complete GUI system using only Leadwerks functions.
  • Complete Inventory system (Pick ups, mounting weapons etc).
  • Near complete Game Interface system.
  • Character controller and animations.
  • Camera movement system.
  • Complete serialization system (serialization of the whole world was not needed for this project however. I will implement this at a later date).
  • Math games.
  • Complete User login system.
  • Database saving.
  • Combat system - melee, projectile shooting weapons (not sure if will be used for this game however).


  • Magic system (it has been worked out on paper though)


I will require some testers when the game is in its Beta stage and will post on the forums when ready.


Here are some preview images some things aren't textured and some are WIP. I'll create a video soon when levels are more complete!



  • Upvote 7


Recommended Comments

Nice work, TJ! :)

Really sweet characters! I loved your artwork while working on the LECP, and this is even better. :)

The idea of puzzles and learning maths is a good idea. Games are fun, and we learn faster/better when something is fun to do.

So far, I like what I see, and I hope to see much more coming. :P



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Guest Red Ocktober


isn't Alchamy spelt Alchemy... or is this a stylized thing that i'm not getting...


looks verrry nice...



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Agree with everyone that it looks great and I like that you're doing an educational game. Hopefully it will be successful, even (especially) if you don't end up selling it.

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Thanks for the feedback and kind words people, I'm really happy. Apart from one other project this is the first project that has ever seen the light outside of my study (the other is in a graveyard of unfinished games). It has been a pleasant surprise that making a game that doesn't revolve around violence and has more fun to make.


I have never had one of my game projects so complete and all the while working on LECP too! I do feel like a bit of a unit, I need a sleep catch up week. There still is a way to go, but I really am hammering my way through it.


@gamecreator More than likely this will be a free download. My whole goal as far as game dev goes is to make a game that people take the time to play. I just accomplish that and see if anything comes from it (or not) later I guess.


@Red Oktober I think you are right. I came up with the title quite some time back and I do remember googling it so I believed that was the spelling and never checked it since. You really can miss obvious mistakes when you have been looking at it for so long. Lucky this isn't a spelling game lol. To be honest maths and English have never been my strong points (That's right bring out the violins) and I struggle with some of the equations that my own program throws at me! (especially multiplication). Anyway that was a nice pick-up and I'll correct it tonight. I'm still not sure if I'm going to keep the name, but I haven't thought of a better one.


Thanks Again!

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I like how this is looking. I can try to comment on the "end user" aspect for you. I am the parent of a 5, 3 and 2 year old. The older two are definitely into learning games, but these are all web based and able to run on a cheap old Intel-Atom based machine. (I haven't actually tried my LE based project on it, yet).


This is definitely something my 5 year old would find interesting. He likes games and he likes Math and this is right up his alley. Watching him game, the advice I would have is that you should avoid very difficult twitch based elements. IE pushing rocks around to get 13 is fine, but aiming and firing a crosshairs should be out unless the target is relatively stationary.


We hear all the time that TV and video games is harmful for or kids. Not to get on too much of a soap box, but our family's feeling is that is mostly a bunch of hogwash. Yes, 8 hours a day in front of a TV or computer is terrible, but a few hours every other evening is fine. Our kids have learned a great deal. My 5 year old is in Kindergarten and is ready and doing math on a first grade level. My 2 year old can sign his alphabet and knows all the letter sounds. This is just phenomenal and modern media deserves some of the credit by offering engaging learning programs. Also, my kids choose outside over TV still. The recent heat wave (that just broke here in Missouri) killed any outdoor activities.

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Thanks Clackdor.


I thought I had my hands full with one baby boy! My hat goes off to ya!


I work in primary schools in IT field and the schools I'm at have iPads from rec-yr2 and macbooks from yr3- 7 and growing. I haven't been very impressed with the level of educational software thats available. It's surprising how many pieces of software still need the disk in the drive to run; never have proxy options or run properly in a network environment. Makes me sad. Anyway I've learned heaps of what not to do for this project. I have had some input from teachers during this process too. It's needless to say LE3 is looking very attractive to me.


There wasn't any thing like aiming/firing planned. I hope to do a video soon which will clarify what you have to do more.


The way I plan to initialise a maths game goes...

- Say you encounter a lowered iron gate. (There will be a GUI element to let you know that magic can be used on an object).

-You have a spell inventory so select your raise spell and cast it (within radius of the object)

- The maths game is triggered.


I'm trying to think of other things to add in like figuring out which spell to use on an object so some simple problem solving is involved. I don't plan to add anything much more than that.




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Ah that looks fantastic Tim! I also like your game approach. I think that you have good future when it comes to creating games for education.


And ofcourse I would be happy to help you test out the game. I don't mind some 'easier' mathmatics. makes me feel smart. :)

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Thanks Aggror,


I will use your services if there on offer. I'm taking some leave from work around the 24th. So after I've had a full working week on it, which will be awesome (around the 29th Sep), some external testing would be very welcome indeed.


I forgot to mention If you create the user Aggror your difficulty level automatically goes through the roof =).

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Thanks Pixel! I have made some vast improvements since this post and have added the ability to cast spells. I'm getting to the stage where a vast majority of the coding has dried up and I'm just adding polishing touches to it. I'm currently starting on level design and more character/prop work. I'll hopefully be posting a video very soon.

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