Particle Update: Death to the Nyan Cat & Rise of Real Effects
On the previous episode of the “Leadwerks3D particle show” a Nyan Cat / Colored Printer of Death roamed the land showing off the difference between RGB and HSV color interpolation. Well jump forward to today’s episode and that cat is now dead…or perhaps I should say has matured into a more complex and quite simply cooler particle system.
I’m still not finished with all of my work but here is a quick look at few particle effects I’ve tinkered with:

I'm so disappointed that I don't have Fraps on my work desktop because this sphere of electricity looks pretty cool live.

A classic waterfall

Since we live so close to the Folsom Prison, I thought we should channel some Johnny Cash and throw in a burning ring of fire (technically a torus).
This is just a blob of particles really, but I stumbled upon it while trying to create something else and thought it looked cool.
That's all for now, more updates will come as the project gains speed!
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