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The first toddler steps of AI

Chris Paulson



Youtube video of my AI.


Red line is path found by recast.

White text is current behaviours running in behaviour tree.




Here's what the BT looks like (yes it is C++)

alive::Node* moveToEnemy(std::string type = "walk")
   return alive::TreeBuilder()

alive::Node* resetToStart()
   return alive::TreeBuilder()

alive::Node* gunAttack()
   return alive::TreeBuilder()

alive::Node* moveToAttackPosition()
   return alive::TreeBuilder()

alive::Node* moveToWithinRifleRange()
   return alive::TreeBuilder()
alive::Node* hunt()
   return alive::TreeBuilder()

void Crawler::init(Pedestrian* pPedestrian, Vision *pvision, ActorGun *pRifle)
//			.decorator<alive::RepeatNode>()
//	.decorator<alive::ErrorHandlerNode>()
   alive::Node* behave = alive::TreeBuilder()
		// Reset to default
		// Attack with gun

		// Move to a aim position

		// Move to attack (to melle or to get in firing range)

		// Hunt

		// Move to waypoint
				.execute< CrawlerCompare<bool> >()
		// Idle

rifle = pRifle;
pedestrian = pPedestrian;
vision = pvision;

//	alive::InitializeWithBlackboard<Crawler> initialize(*this);
alive::InitializeWithBlackboard<Crawler> *initialize = new alive::InitializeWithBlackboard<Crawler>(*this);
   m_Brain.registry.setAddObserver(*new InitializeAction(*this));

   //m_Brain.registry.setAddObserver(*new InitializeAction(*this));

void Crawler::Update( float gameLoopTime )
pedestrian->currentAction = pedestrian->currentMode + ",";
pedestrian->Update( gameLoopTime );

void Crawler::Render( float gameLoopTime)
pedestrian->Render( gameLoopTime );
vision->Render( pedestrian->scene->cam );



Recommended Comments

LOL, that must be the most reference utilizing C++ program I've ever seen. Methods after methods after methods seperated by dots.

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Same here. I can't follow how that is working at all. Never seen that syntax. It's almost like it's a with statement with all the .Function()

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