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Sparse Voxel Octree Raycasting




I've got cone step tracing working now with the sparse voxel octree implementation. I actually found that two different routines are best when the surface is rough or smooth. For sharp reflections, and precise voxel raytracing works best:


For rough surfaces, cone step tracing can be used. There are some issues to work out and I need to revisit the downsampling routine, but it's basically working:


Here's a video showing the sharp raycast in motion. Performance is quite good with this:


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With reflections and all these new rendering capabilities, I have to ask: would it be possible (feasible I should say) to make a house of mirrors horror video game with this?

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1 hour ago, IceBurger said:

With reflections and all these new rendering capabilities, I have to ask: would it be possible (feasible I should say) to make a house of mirrors horror video game with this?

It would not be that hard to modify the shader to reflect the ray and do a second bounce. Whether this is a good idea or not, I do not know. :lol:

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