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Snowboarding Animations Research




So I've been researching snowboarding lately to get an idea of what animations and mechanics I need to create for my game.  I have learned lots of interesting things since I've only seen snow once or twice in my entire life and have never even tried snowboarding or any other board sports (skateboarding, surfing, etc.) for that matter.


Snowboarding tricks are quite interesting as they are mostly derived from skateboarding.  Snowboarding tricks pay homage to their equivalent skating tricks by sharing many concepts and names.  For example basic grabs in snowboarding share the same concepts and names as skateboarding: indy, mute, method, stalefish, nosegrab, and tailgrab.  Something interesting to note is in snowboarding you can grab Tindy or Tailfish but this is considered poor form since these grabs can't be done on a skateboard (due to the board not being attached to the skaters feet) and grabbing these areas is generally something a novice snowboarder does when failing or "half-assing" a normal grab.  Check out this diagram to see how grabs work -



So, after reading lots of text descriptions for tricks I was still confused by what all these terms meant and how they were actually applied.  So my next step was to look up these tricks actually being done and I found some really cool videos showing off how to do various tricks.  This video in particular is the best reference material I've found as it contains nearly every trick back to back with labeled names and some tweaks -


Sadly my rigged model doesn't handle leg animations with the snowboard that well so I can't animate as many tricks as I want to.  Regardless there will still be around 15 total grab/air tricks in the game.  Now it's time for me to stop procrastinating and start animating!  



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WHAT! You live in Hawaii and you have never been surfing?

Will the tricks/ moves been done in a downhill or half-pipe style?

Goodluck, looking forward to what you develop.

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Ah, keen observation and question.  hahah

Well, I haven't successfully gone surfing but I only tried less than 5 times.  I never even managed to balance on the board let alone catch a wave.  On the other hand I have body/boogie boarded a lot but thats super different because you can't really do tricks like grabs.

The tricks will be done in both styles!  I've recently finished testing a working halfpipe that can be placed in any map alongside the normal jumps and terrain slopes.  So you can basically do any of the tricks anywhere, it's really cool.  I just have to develop some real maps (and finish these animations) to show off the true potential.

Thanks I can't wait to share it as a beta once I finish my first development stage!  ....Which will be soon

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I guess I have only done "mute". He looks like he is riding regular.

The flying squirrel is pretty awesome.

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@Josh Yep the diagram and video I posted refer to regular style tricks.  In my game you can switch between goofy and regular stance using a hotkey and by landing 180 degrees.  Tricks are the same in both stances (for sake of less animation work) but they are basically inverted regular tricks for goofy.


@jen Wow that's so funny that you mention Tony Hawk Pro Skater!   I grew up playing tony hawk and 1080 snowboarding on my N64 so they have been a huge inspiration (as well as reference) for my game.  Your advice is great and is somewhat similar to what I've done in my game for jumps.

  I actually analyzed how halfpipes worked in tony hawk to come up with my solution.  Basically I check if youre on a halfpipe then when your rotation reaches a certain point and if you're holding spacebar you automatically jump directly upwards.  Movement is physics based so that you can still collide with certain objects and what not but I heavily control the physics to work the way I want to avoid unintended behaviors.



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