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A Look Forward to 2018




This is a rough timeline of events I am planning in the new year. It is not complete, and may change, but this is just what I am thinking right now.

  • January 15: Release Leadwerks 5 Alpha Zero subscription
  • February 1: Launch Kickstarter campaign for development of Leadwerks 5 Alpha One
  • February 1: Game Tournament
  • March 3: Kickstarter campaign complete
  • April 1: Leadwerks 4.6 released (vehicles, NAT punch-through)
  • June 30: Summer Games Tournament
  • June 30: Roll out Steam Workshop replacement
  • August 1: Deliver Leadwerks 5 Alpha One

One thing I really want to see is a multiplayer community project. Multiplayer games allow for much more interesting gameplay because your opponents are smart. It's easy to make fun variations of different game types. And it's easy to make contributions like a new map, a new weapon, or a new game type (as opposed to creating a whole new game).

This is very fun for me because I actually got my start in computer software by making mods for the original Quake. You can still download "Checkered Flag - Gold Cup" mentioned here, by "Lucid Designs". I was not a programmer on this, I was a level designer. I don't see any of my maps in it though so I don't know if that exists anywhere:


IGN took down our old page for the mod. This is one of the reasons I want everyone to upload their games to the Games Showcase, so they will be preserved forever.

To make networking work I am working on a NAT punch-through system right now.

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