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The Future of Hunt for Food





I will share a bit of the past of Hunt For Food before going on to the future.

Hunt For Food has been an ongoing project that I have worked on for nearly two years now. I started with the idea of making a survival game and realized I was biting off more than I could chew pretty quickly. Instead of giving up and working on smaller games I decided I would use this one project for my game development education.


The main reasons why I decided to work on one big project were:

- I had no money or skill to get game assets to make multiple unique games.

- I had time to focus on a long term project.

- I had dedication to my idea and education.



Now onto the Future!

After coming up with a recent concept for Hunt For Food I started changing, adding, and removing things like I always do but this time I really felt my ideal game coming together. So I punched into overdrive working at least 10 hours a day on the game for the past two or three weeks. The game is much more developed now and I really can't wait to share it with everyone.


The future of Hunt For Food is looking good and it feels great. I am working on getting this epic update onto the game launcher as soon as possible; there are just a few more details to work out. I will also be making some videos to show how everything works. The next step is to get Hunt For Food Greenlit on Steam which would just be unreal. It's been a long development but there has been a lot of progress so things even out I suppose.


Thanks for reading!


Keep an eye on Hunt For Foods development here - https://trello.com/b/mQ8xjWgN/hunt-for-food-development-board

Hunt For Food on the Leadwerks Game Launcher - http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/viewitem?fileid=507073173

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I admire your perseverance. Staying motivated for a longer period of time on the same game is something that is in my opinion one of the most common reasons why my projects never get finished.


Looking forward to see what you have in store.

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Greenlight soundsgood. there are much worser games that got published, this one shoudnt have a problem with that. Keep focussing on the game i couldnt do that (for such a long time)

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I've watched your progress over the last couple of years. Admire your determination to complete hunt for food.

Unfortunately I struggle to finish any of my projects. I get stuck and then move on to a different one.

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Thank you all!

Staying motivated has been extremely hard being alone in development. All I do everyday is code, plan, and research for my game. I dream about what I am going to be working on the next day or how to fix certain bugs. I don't leave my house very often and don't give myself social time. I get very little feedback so I really have to push myself to do anything.


The only thing that keeps me productive and sane is listening to music. haha

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Good to see it grow over time. You have done well, will look out for the Greenlight.

Most people including myself have trouble sticking with a game.

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Cool! I am sure that this game has struck the heart of all the hunters. Many people despise this kind of leisure and this game is just for them. After all, the virtual world is so real that it allows you to feel all the features of the hunting process and you can even pick up your scopes like here for guns and hunt coyotes even here. I would play with pleasure

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