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Remaining Days






Today I’m giving you a short insight into our upcoming game called “Remaining Days”. Remaining Days is a first person multiplayer survival shooter. It relays heavily on a day and night cycle and it’s your goal to survive as many cycles as possible! During night phases you and your fellows fight against hordes of zombies, including occasional boss fights. After sunrise you’ll restock your ammunition, build barricades, traps, find new weapons and groceries to survive!


Our goal is to develop a functional prototype and to start a successful Crowdfunding campaign in about three months. We are currently a team of three, each of us being located in Germany:


  • Julian: Concept Artist
  • Alex: Level Designer
  • Bryan: Project Lead / Programmer


We’ve been working on this for the past few months now and are ambitious to start the Crowdfunding soon. In the upcoming weeks we will introduce our game characters to you, so stay tuned! smile.png


In the meantime make sure to check out our website, we have a nice overview of our progress and a blog there:




We are also available on social media channels such as Twitter and Facebook:



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Nice site. More importantly, it looks like you've made a ton of progress on this project already. Well done and looking forward to release!!

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What level style will it be ? outdoor moutain, city or a mix ?

We see overall 40%, 3D artwork 48% in the site. Is this real because there is no level and gameplay screenshots, just some few model screenshots , so already 50% hard to believe or the game will be lightweight ?

Good site, good presentation.

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Looks interesting. I agree with Yougroove though, I would like to see more content if the game is 40% done. I like the website design it is very clean and easy to navigate. I wish you guys the best!

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Good website. I agree with the comments above. I can't see how you are 40% overall when so many factors have not been started ie AI.

How is your game going to be different from the many Rust clones out there?


Well done on passing your exams and Best of luck.

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Thanks for your replies guys! The progress page lists our progress towards the prototype, I will update the website to make that more clear. So it means that our prototype is currently 40% done, not the full game. Sorry for the confusion. smile.png


@YouGroove: The style will be a mix of your proposals.


@Thristy Panther: Thank you, the finals went really well smile.png I honestly never played Rust but I can elaborate a little more on our vision of Remaining Days. It's basically making use of a tower-defense stylish wave system combined with the day and night cycle. During the daytime phase you could, for example, build a base in an abandoned building using barricades, traps and turrets. But you also have to search for ammunition as it's a valuable resource that is not infinitely available. And the last thing you should care about during the day is your health, you must occasionally find groceries to survive. After the daytime-phase the fun begins, you and your team will be tested against several waves of zombies / enemies including boss fights (think of the tank from Left 4 Dead, but with many other bosses). And it's your goal to survive as many cycles as possible, there will be rewards and stuff that is being unlocked based on the number of cycles you survive. Another thing that separates Remaining Days is that it is a causal game, you have no responsibilities or whatsoever. Each time you start the game and join a server you'll be starting from scratch (like Team Fortress 2 or Counter Strike).

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I really like the idea! It sounds like a nice change of game play for the survival genre. I have been waiting for a survival game that gives players something to work together to kill rather than players just killing players, boss fights sound promising. I also like the idea of being rewarded for how many day/night cycles you survive. I'm looking forward to seeing how this evolves!

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.Each time you start the game and join a server you'll be starting from scratch (like Team Fortress 2 or Counter Strike).

Would be good to unlock some specific clothes, character decoration available when you loggin. Going far on the game would unlock that specific stuff other coop players could see meaning you are an advanced and skilled player.

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