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Leadwerks 3 Experience

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CSG editing in leadwerks 3

So.. Recently i had a small moan to myself and on the forum, requesting (for the second time i think) for more CSG features. Boolean operations would be amazing but even simple features such as Vertex editing and extraction would be Good and make workflow much easier. And also Texture Locking!!   Anyway, I asked because i have this idea for a game in mind and i know in my head how i would like it to look and I know with the current CSG features it would be long winded and limited. The options

Andy Gilbert

Andy Gilbert

My experience so far....

My hours of use in leadwerks 3 is already counting up fast and along the way i thought i would share some of the things ive found so far. Which no doubt means this will turn into a small rant about the features i wish leadwerks 3 had in its current version I am not going to talk about bugs as we all should expect them in new software and trust they get resolved as soon as Josh can get around to them, what i am going to talk about are a couple of (to me) significant issues with the "current" lea

Andy Gilbert

Andy Gilbert

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